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posted 2014-01-04 01:28:19 +0300

UI inconsistensies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistensies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i'll suggest some ideas in another question.

UI inconsistensies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistensies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i'll suggest some ideas in another question.

UI inconsistensies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistensies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock/tasks/launcher screens, middle-screen swipe is also a (vertical) scrolling action;
  3. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i'll suggest i've suggested some ideas in another question.question.

UI inconsistensiesinconsistencies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistensies", inconsistencies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock/tasks/launcher screens, middle-screen swipe is also a (vertical) scrolling action;
  3. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i've suggested some ideas in another question.

UI inconsistencies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistencies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock/tasks/launcher screens, middle-screen swipe is also a (vertical) scrolling action;
  3. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i've suggested some ideas in another question.

UI inconsistencies

After some weeks of using the Jolla, and reading complaints about so-called "UI inconsistencies", the main inconsistency I found is with the horizontal swipe:

  1. Inside applications, the middle-screen swipe is a scrolling action, and accordingly the left/right screen appears gradually from the screen edge. It feels quite natural (to me);
  2. In the lock/tasks/launcher screens, middle-screen swipe is also a (vertical) scrolling action;
  3. In the lock and tasks screens, the scrolling action to the ambience switcher is initiated with a border-swipe instead of a middle-screen swipe. It's not only inconsistent, it prevents using the border-swipe for peeking as in the other locations.To have peeking work from all screens would simplify the UI, and would give more motivation to improve the peeking action - i've suggested some ideas in another question.