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![]() | 1 | initial version | posted 2015-07-08 00:12:15 +0200 |
Hi all, I'm starting a Qt Quick application for Sailfish but I also want my app to be buildable for Android and Linux PC so I need to avoid all the Silica part etc...
I used standard QtCreator to create a new QtQuick project next I opened the project using QtCreator from Sailfish SDK. It seems to build using "MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486" kit but I can't deploy to the emulator receiving the following last lines:
23:09:18: Starting: "/home/luca/.config/SailfishBeta4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486/deploy" --rsync Fatal: No spec file found in '/home/src1//discovery2/rpm/' and couldn't make one from a yaml #1
It's clear it need some other config file but I can't find what file it need.
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
Hi all, I'm starting a Qt Quick application for Sailfish but I also want my app to be buildable for Android and Linux PC so I need to avoid all the Silica part etc...
I used standard QtCreator to create a new QtQuick project next I opened the project using QtCreator from Sailfish SDK. It seems to build using "MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486" kit but I can't deploy to the emulator receiving the following last lines:
23:09:18: Starting: "/home/luca/.config/SailfishBeta4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486/deploy" --rsync Fatal: No spec file found in '/home/src1//discovery2/rpm/' and couldn't make one from a yaml #1
It's clear it need some other config file but I can't find what file it need.
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
EDIT (16/07/2015) : I love Qt because I can PORT my existing application to a lot of platform without the need to know too much programming languages. Unfortunatelly I have a QtQuick application that build on Linux PC and Android phone but I can't build it on Sailfish (!?!?!). This is what I didn't expect from Jolla !!!!
![]() | 3 | No.3 Revision |
Hi all, I'm starting a Qt Quick application for Sailfish but I also want my app to be buildable for Android and Linux PC so I need to avoid all the Silica part etc...
I used standard QtCreator to create a new QtQuick project next I opened the project using QtCreator from Sailfish SDK. It seems to build using "MerSDK-SailfishOS-i486" kit but I can't deploy to the emulator receiving the following last lines:
23:09:18: Starting: "/home/luca/.config/SailfishBeta4/mer-sdk-tools/MerSDK/SailfishOS-i486/deploy" --rsync Fatal: No spec file found in '/home/src1//discovery2/rpm/' and couldn't make one from a yaml #1
It's clear it need some other config file but I can't find what file it need.
Is it possible to do what I'm trying to do?
EDIT (16/07/2015) : I love Qt because I can PORT my existing application to a lot of platform without the need to know too much programming languages. Unfortunatelly I have a QtQuick application that build on Linux PC and Android phone but I can't build it on Sailfish (!?!?!). This is what I didn't expect from Jolla !!!!
EDIT2 (17/07/2015) : My QML application start with:
import QtQuick 2.2
import QtQuick.Controls 1.1
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.1
import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.1
import Qt.labs.settings 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
id: application
visible: true
Sailfish OS haven't the required modules. I expected from Sailfish OS to don't encounter that kind of problem, that's why I bought my Jolla....