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posted 2015-07-17 11:55:57 +0200

how to wipeout caldav related tables

would be nice to know how to :

clean everyting related to caldav accounts,

clean all events in phone (including local, synced and black 'shadow' events from deleted accounts)

to be able create it from scratch, so it should work


how to wipeout caldav related tables

would be nice to know how to :

clean everyting related to caldav accounts,

clean all events in phone (including local, synced and black 'shadow' events from deleted accounts)

to be able create it from scratch, so it should work

https://together.jolla.com/question/99029/calddav-calendars-not-found-in-calendar-app-after-update-to-117/https://together.jolla.com/question/99029/calddav-calendars-not-found-in-calendar-app-after-update-to-117/ https://together.jolla.com/question/98953/release-notes-117-bjorntrasket/?answer=99167#post-id-99167