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posted 2014-01-04 13:11:51 +0300

Cancelling emergency call

I called emergency call couple days a go, and yesterday i look my call history, and i make miscall to 112 again. And i couldn´t stop that call, because there wasn´t cancel button anywhere? Is it bug, or is it like that for a reason?? I don´t want to test it again. :)

Cancelling emergency call

I called emergency call couple days a go, and yesterday i look my call history, and i make miscall to 112 again. And i couldn´t stop that call, because there wasn´t cancel button anywhere? Is it bug, or is it like that for a reason?? I don´t want to test it again. :)

Cancelling emergency call

I called emergency call couple days a go, and yesterday i look my call history, and i make miscall to 112 again. And i couldn´t stop that call, because there wasn´t cancel button anywhere? Is it bug, or is it like that for a reason?? I don´t want to test it again. :)