Minor improvement for Store: pulley menu should be available before remote content is loaded

asked 2015-07-20 11:55:17 +0300

tokaru gravatar image

updated 2015-07-20 12:22:53 +0300

Currently, the Store app is blocked for a few seconds after startup due to a server-side bug. Even though this specific problem will be fixed in the backend, we always have to consider the possibility of connectivity issues, which should not make the app completely unusuable.

Often times, I access the Store in order to switch to "My apps" page immediately, there is no need to wait for start page content. Also, we could allow access to these in flight mode / when offline.

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Yes, please! Thats very important!

heubergen ( 2015-07-20 12:04:13 +0300 )edit