Split communication (announces, requests, bugs, support, devs, phone, tablet ...)
asked 2015-07-26 11:37:10 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Hi there,
I'm following this Q&A platform for a while, but IMHO with raising attention and growing community it's getting more and more chaotic and loses it's informative aspect and people get 'disinformed'. So I like to ask, if it might be wise to seperate different aspects of communication into different 'streams' and maybe put them to different platforms:
- announcements from Jolla to community - blog only
- software feature requests and bugs - github issue tracker only (maybe some feedback/toughts here at together before)
- hardware feature requests and bugs - ?
- general support - this together platform
- developer support - ? (suggestion is to separate it from enduser communication)
I think this will bring us some benefits:
- special interest groups / subgroups of our community find together and can share infos without "annoying" others
- it's getting easier to follow discussion and share dedicated knowledge
- it's getting easier to find old discussion etc. again
Github is too devvish for the average joe user to be really helpful in collecting info about Feature requests imo. Plus, it requires a separate login.
tortoisedoc ( 2015-07-26 13:45:02 +0200 )editWell, GitHub issues are basically upstream bug reports - you are reporting issues in software used in Sailfish OS to upstream developers. But not all software in Sailfish OS is on GitHub and there are bugs that are caused by software interaction, distributions specific patches, bugs covering multiple components, etc.
That's why most Linux distributions have their own Bugzilla with all software carried in the distro listed as components. Then if you find a bug, you fill it against one of the components and its maintainers then decide what to do with it: forward it upstream (possibly with patch attached), patch it locally, upgrade component version, fix a packaging issue, etc.
There is already the Mer bugzilla, but it does not cover all Sailfish OS components and at least last time I checked it out it looked pretty neglected (many missing components, to broad component categories (one component for whole Qt), missing maintainers, old untriaged bugs, etc.).
MartinK ( 2015-07-26 14:46:10 +0200 )edit@MarkinK True, but also ext. Apps get discussed here. If they are ported FLOSS the Harbour might be extended to link to the project dedicated issue tracker etc. like the F-Droid repo for Android shows us already.
dulog ( 2015-07-26 16:02:54 +0200 )editAs a new boy here I hesitate to comment (my first comment in fact). I'm only interested in the tablet and I do wonder what will happen when a load of tablet stuff is added into the mix.
I find this site hard to follow - the way new posts and updates can pop up anywhere and 'updates' appear when nothing has apparently changed. (It's why I wrote the userscripts I posted.) I think it's trying to do too many things at once, a support forum, a bug tracker, and a suggestion wiki. I haven't looked into bug tracking yet but you do need a user-friendly-ish bug tracker - something like Mozilla's bugzilla if there isn't already one - while encouraging non-techies to post possible bugs in a friendlier forum.
I doubt if tags are enough. If you're going to rely on tags then you need some 'major' ones that must be selected and any questioner will know how to answer - tablet or phone say. That way I can ignore all phone stuff. Some OS stuff will apply to both but most posters (me for example) won't know that. I think there are too many tags at the moment.
So I support splitting the forum as the OP suggests - at least have a 'board' for the tablet. xda-developers works well, with a hierarchy of subjects. mozilla discourseis easy to follow in a way this is not. The good old maemo.org forum was fine (or internettablettalk as it was when I joined!)
DaveRo ( 2015-07-31 18:29:16 +0200 )edit