2015-08-15 11:29:25 +0200
29079 ●345 ●466 ●481
answer to a comment by @V10lator after he got valuable data directly from Wannsee-Electronics. Not an answer to the question itself:
@V10lator They served you either better or faster than Jolla served us in this question... Looking forward for similar chart on official Jolla battery, please Sailors. <3
You can open those files using SumatraPDF reader. I made an early check, comparing to kernel data, and unfortunately it's possible that Polarcell reaches 2100mAh with lower voltage than the official Jolla battery, meaning Jolla might report it as overcharged (CSD reading you got)
By later comment by @Giacomo Di Giacomo, this has nothing to do with actual overcharge, as the charging is stopped based on different factor (current)
Below: Polarcell (dotted curve, temperature unknown) vs. Jolla kernel data (note: maybe not the official battery itself, as kernel data might be fixed for any reasons - see the question linked above)
scaled to match with the earlier chart I posted as comment. Table data would have been easier, but we can be super thankful to Wannsee-Electronics for providing their test data - Please send them big thanks, maybe from all Jolla Phone users <3 <3
a nice one ;-)
pawel ( 2015-08-04 19:19:46 +0200 )editThat's a laugh
lakutalo ( 2015-08-04 22:45:48 +0200 )editHey guys, did you realize that the battery is for Desire 310 and you enter the CSD tool by dialing ##310##? Coinsidence? I think not. Half Life 3(10) confirmed. :)
jollailija ( 2015-08-06 14:43:40 +0200 )editi did check, does not work on HTC ;-)
pawel ( 2015-08-11 20:57:46 +0200 )edit@pawel Uh, how is that related? I think you misunderstood my illuminati-HL3 joke
jollailija ( 2015-08-15 13:39:04 +0200 )edit