App permissions (Sailfish & Android)
Which possibilities does Sailfish OS offer to control app permissions of native Sailfish OS apps and of Sailfish OS 3rd party apps in the jolla app store?
Which possibilities does Sailfish OS offer to control app permissions of android 3rd party apps?
Is it possible to switch off permissions that you prefer not to grant for both Sailfish and Android apps? Jolla always tends to point out the importance of privacy and that they are never going to sell collected data. All right, but if you can't control what apps do (especially 3rd party), that promise isn't worth much, so please let me have the answers to my questions 1) and 2).
P.S.: I also want to point out that I'm on the verge of buying a Jolla for months, because I like the idea behind it. BUT one or two issues or let's call it "concerns" keep me from doing so. This is one important "issue".
Possible dube of
jollailija ( 2015-08-10 17:22:27 +0200 )edit@jollailija Thanks for the link, but that's only a part of my question.
I have been using smartphones whith different operating systems for a while and they all have different ways of dealing with app permissions. To be honest, I am not entirely satisfied with any of those.
I like the detailed Blackberry permission system for BB apps, but not the Blackberry permission system for android apps, because for android apk you can hardly change any permissions on BB, while you can do so for BB apps. I wonder if this might be the same on Salfish OS, which also allows android apps to be installed alongside Sailfish apps.
Another point is, that I think many people chose and choose Jolla for privacy reasons, the Jolla company stating they are not going to make money out of customer data, if I understood that right, did I? But if privacy really matters, it should be stated clearly, too, what the permission management is like on Jolla, i.e. for Sailfish apps and Android apps. Unfortunately I didn't really find information on that.
So I would be grateful if someone, maybe from Jolla, could put things clear.
Holgerson352 ( 2015-08-10 23:34:53 +0200 )edit@Holgerson352 Well, apps in Jolla Store go through QA and have some limitations. There is no "permission control settings" in the UI, but with 1.1.7 you will have "a settings page for Android applications in Settings > App from where you can control how the installed application works on your Jolla device (Force stop, Clear cache, Clear data, and running the app on background)"
jollailija ( 2015-08-11 09:12:50 +0200 )editI'm quite disappointed if this should be the state of art at Jolla's. If I get you right, Jolla customers simply have to trust the Sailfish apps without having the slightest idea, what they might do in the background and what not? The settings page for android apps that you describe is not a permission management IMHO. So basically you can't control any app permissions at all using the standard interface (not terminal etc.) on the Jolla phone right now. Is that correct?
Holgerson352 ( 2015-08-11 23:04:19 +0200 )editI guess there is something in the roadmap:
Research SELinux as a solution for system security and application access control
HarhaanJohtaja ( 2015-08-11 23:16:35 +0200 )edit