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Make the space-bar longer in native virtual keyboard

asked 2014-01-05 04:13:12 +0200

foss4ever gravatar image

updated 2014-01-14 06:47:58 +0200

The space-bar in the Jolla virtual keyboard is very short. When typing I constantly keep hitting mistakenly the dot and comma keys. In my previous phone (N9) the space-bar was long enough so that it was easy enough to hit it without looking.

Seems that in Jolla the comma and dot keys (or the 123/ABC and ENTER keys) in the bottom row could be slightly smaller to make some space (sic!) for a longer space-bar.

Has anyone else felt that the space-bar could be slightly longer in the vkbd?

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Yes, it could need some layouting. I also miss the space bar sometimes, and all the other keys on the lower row could easily be slimmed down without getting too small.

Tanghus ( 2014-01-05 05:13:53 +0200 )edit

I agree and I also think that the whole keyboard style need a slight rework, e.g.key labels should be slightly bigger, separation between keys should be better defined visually.

zlatko ( 2014-01-05 08:44:23 +0200 )edit

I totally agree, especially when there is no (yet?) Swype-typing like in n9, which gives a lot of help!

ejp ( 2014-01-06 02:31:13 +0200 )edit

this really needs to happen. the keyboard is surprisingly good, but I constantly miss the space bar when typing fast.

dom1n1kus ( 2014-01-14 10:39:29 +0200 )edit

I have to agree. The spacebar is dreadful.

Please, please change it. Also can we have a double-tap become a period, please.

The keyboard is such a fundamental part of the experience; please give it urgent attention.

v ( 2014-06-01 23:05:43 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-02-04 23:50:23 +0200

Izzak gravatar image

You could customize the layout you use. For example, follow this guide, replacing the default "spacebarRow" of say the English layout with one where you make the space be bigger.


 /* SpacebarRow {} */

     KeyboardRow {
        SymbolKey {
            width: symbolKeyWidthNarrow
            separator: false

        CharacterKey {
            caption: ","
            captionShifted: ","
            width: punctuationKeyWidthNarrow / 2
            fixedWidth: true
            separator: false

        SpacebarKey {
            fixedWidth: true
            width: symbolKeyWidthNarrow * 2.25
            separator: false

        CharacterKey {
            caption: "."
            captionShifted: "."     
            width: punctuationKeyWidthNarrow / 2
            fixedWidth: true
            separator: false

        EnterKey {
            separator: false

A better route of course would be to have the spacebar expand to fill left over space as this solution only looks decent in portrait.

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I just posted an similar solution in the thread you linked. It adds to the spacebar the width reduced from the other keys, thus working in landscape also.

ssahla ( 2015-03-14 00:35:06 +0200 )edit

thanks for the solution and link

Izzak ( 2015-04-08 00:35:11 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2014-01-05 04:13:12 +0200

Seen: 705 times

Last updated: Feb 04 '15