Enhance the readability of texts in the UI (e.g. configurable font size)
As some of us need glasses when using the phone, it would be great to be able to change the font size, and colour in the UI if needed.
Global minimum font-size setting with a selectiom of small / medium / large / extra-large default text size would iimprove the readability of the UI and enhance considerably the SailfishOS UX and accessibility for ppl without perfect eye-sight.
20140701 - update
And while your fixing this (if ever), please consider to change the font rendering or change the complete font. The rendering is just awkward. Maybe it's more the Microsoft way, the Apple rendering could suit better.
specifically, in text messages, one's own sent texts are in a smaller font than the ones received. I don't see a reason for that, except if you badly want to save screen space. The font size of received texts is ok for me, but there shouldn't be any fonts smaller than that throughout the system.
bennypr0fane ( 2013-12-27 21:16:27 +0200 )Also in phone application the dialed number (while typing) is shown with quite small font size, not problem to me (yet) but senior citizens may have difficulties to see it.
Suggestion: global UI font size selection in Settings ("small / medium / large / extra large")
hzb ( 2013-12-28 14:47:52 +0200 )As I need more and more a reading glasses I too would like to have a global minimal font size setting and default font size ("small / medium / large / extra large").
We all get older :-)
axaq ( 2013-12-28 16:20:20 +0200 )Definitely, at least text messages should have some additional settings (I would prefer larger during writing).
Ruutana ( 2013-12-29 18:51:28 +0200 )Making fonts more consistent across the apps - yes. Working on actual changeable fonts.. not really. Yes, it's a useful accessibility feature, yet I hope Jolla sailsors work on more valuable [for me and maybe for the others] features first. So downvote from me unfortunately.
Artem ( 2013-12-30 01:06:14 +0200 )