2014-12-26 18:28:25 +0200
Answering my own question after almost a year :)
I managed to make some changes in file /usr/share/lipstick-jolla-home-qt5/eventsview/EventsViewList.qml that work better for me... So now, the first option in the pulley menu is always enabled and reads either "Go online" or "Go offline".. Here's what it looks like:
![image description](/upfiles/14196107636858153.jpg)
![image description](/upfiles/14196107869665416.jpg)
And the actual code changes:
--- EventsViewList.qml.old 2014-12-25 19:29:17.464452382 +0200
+++ EventsViewList.qml 2014-12-26 09:45:06.522830039 +0200
@@ -111,28 +111,24 @@
property int presenceState: self ? self.globalPresenceState : Person.PresenceUnknown
property bool offline: (presenceState === Person.PresenceUnknown) || (presenceState === Person.PresenceHidden) || (presenceState === Person.PresenceOffline)
- enabled: !offline
text: {
if (offline) {
- //: Presence cannot be modified
- //% "Presence unavailable"
- return qsTrId("lipstick-jolla-home-me-presence_unavailable")
- } else if (presenceState === Person.PresenceAvailable) {
- //: Set all presence states to 'away'
- //% "Set Away"
- return qsTrId("lipstick-jolla-home-me-set_away")
+ //: Set all presence states to 'available'
+ //% "Presence available"
+ return qsTrId("lipstick-jolla-home-me-set_available")
+ } else {
+ //: Set all presence states to 'offline'
+ //% "Set Offline"
+ return qsTrId("Go offline")
- //: Set all presence states to 'available'
- //% "Set Available"
- return qsTrId("lipstick-jolla-home-me-set_available")
ContactPresenceUpdate {
id: updater
- onClicked: updater.setGlobalPresence(presenceState === Person.PresenceAvailable ? Person.PresenceAway : Person.PresenceAvailable)
+ onClicked: updater.setGlobalPresence(presenceState === Person.PresenceOffline ? Person.PresenceAvailable : Person.PresenceOffline)
ContactPresenceIndicator {
anchors {
If you want to try it, please make a backup of the original file before messing with it. Also, you do this at your own risk!
P.S. I suspect that the "Go offline" string may not be displayed correctly in languages other than English.
Personally I'd rather have both (or all) options in the pulley-menu (and yes, it would be perfect if it was somehow easily customizable)... ;)
In general, I'm a big fan of options... Make it YOURS... #unlike :)
DrWilken ( 2014-01-05 17:36:05 +0200 )editAll options are welcome in my opinion too.
huuhaa ( 2014-01-06 01:09:09 +0200 )edit