Remorse timer on restore backup
I was browsing and cleaning my backups, when I accidentally slipped and selected 'restore' instead of 'delete' for an old backup. There was no way.of stopping the device from restoring a backup from 2014-02-02...
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I was browsing and cleaning my backups, when I accidentally slipped and selected 'restore' instead of 'delete' for an old backup. There was no way.of stopping the device from restoring a backup from 2014-02-02...
I think this has been fixed in (if not before..?) The restore button now leads to dialog page to confirms the action.
Also, I can only see the latest backup, not any older ones, so I don't think you can remove old backups via the GUI currently. I suspect this is a side effect of enabling the backup to NextCloud (OwnCloud works, too).
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Asked: 2015-09-10 08:56:49 +0200
Seen: 228 times
Last updated: Apr 12 '20
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it needs double 'Are you sure' dialogs.
pan tau ( 2015-12-01 14:36:36 +0200 )editYes this is the kind of built in frustration waiting to happen that proves this interface has its flaws if consistently implemented.
vandersmash ( 2015-12-24 14:16:38 +0200 )editYeah, unbelievable that the next thing to resetting your device can just happen with a slip of the finger. Anyway, I have prevented total damage by quickly pressing the hardware power off button after accidentally activating restore.
vandersmash ( 2015-12-24 14:18:19 +0200 )edit