Please use more the "possible-bug" tag
asked 2015-09-12 18:41:43 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
Unless you're sure you've really encountered a reproduceable bug
, please use tag possible-bug
instead. Afterwards, someone else could confirm if it's a bug or something else, and change that tag.
In both cases, please add enough of information about the issue. Beside the usual description:
- On which Sailfish OS version
- Under what circumstances (right after boot in a clean system with plenty of space, or under a heavily used, almost full, customized, maybe even patched system are two quite different issues. Also the active settings/accounts/services /apps usually might play a role)
- How to reproduce (if possible)
- terminal feedback or system logs (if possible)
- screenshots (if you see them helpful)
Sharing, as many people have been commenting on that current bug-tagged questions includes a lot of questions not really bugs. For that, it would be great if users could check through their own older questions as well, and change bug
>> possible-bug
if needed.
THIS IS NOT A QUESTION, hence marked as wiki. Any discussion is welcome with both comments and answers, answers maybe suggesting even more ideas how to deal with the unsure bug reports