How to install Ubuntu Phone OS on Jolla [subjective]
I need a real operating system to do real work on my phone. I am also a hobbyist developer, and Ubuntu has a more mature, serious developer ecosystem. Need ideas or suggestions on how to install Ubuntu Phone OS on a Jolla.
What can you do with Ubuntu Phone that you can't with Sailfish? I'm just curious, intention is not start a mobile distoro war, I just want to know where Ubunu Phone is ahead of Sailfish. As a answer to your question: as far is I know it is not (easily) possible to install any other OS to Jolla.
TemeV ( 2015-09-13 03:12:08 +0200 )editThe bootloader can be unlocked and Ubuntu uses libhybris like Sailfish does. Happy porting! :)
g7 ( 2015-09-13 12:14:06 +0200 )edit