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Xiaomi Yi action camera android app "Yicam" doesn't find the camera

asked 2015-09-19 02:20:47 +0200

Malkavian gravatar image

I have just bought a Xiaomi Yi action cam, similar to GoPro ones...It hasn't screen and you can change his configuration from an Android or IOs app. From an Android phone it works fine, but Yicam on SailfishOS doesn't find the camera after correctly connecting to the camera wifi (it creates a network you have to connect to).

Luckily there is something made in python but it haven't a GUI for SailfishOS (because there are no TK libreries in SailfishOS): https://forum.dashcamtalk.com/threads/xiaomi-yi-camera-gui-control-configure-from-pc-win-lin-mac.11206/

And sadly i lack development knowledge. ¿Any developer could help? ¿There is a way to have tk libraries on SailfishOS and get this working? ¿Any idea for solving Android app problem?

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answered 2015-10-01 13:55:47 +0200

Malkavian gravatar image

I have found an Android pp that works fine on SailfishOS for configuring the Xioami Yi: https://dashcamtalk.com/forum/threads/ponerines-debug-0-1-4-the-android-apk-for-xiaoyi-sports-camera.13006/

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Seems like a waste of time, it has just few options, only useful is video quality change but other doesn't even seem to work

Jomppeeee ( 2015-10-01 15:07:19 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-09-19 02:20:47 +0200

Seen: 1,046 times

Last updated: Oct 01 '15