How to make your app run as root?
Hello, I am trying to make an app that will start as root user, but I am not really experienced in C++.
My binary has a sticky UID 0 and in the code setuid(0).
And what really confuses me is that when I start the app from terminal (as nemo user) it has root privileges but when I start via desktop file, it runs as nemo user.
Can anybody help me with it?
You really shouldn't make your app run as root. I think it's better to do a privileged DBus daemon running as root and then an un-privileged application that interfaces with it.
Regarding your problem, do you use invoker in your desktop file? Maybe that's the issue.
g7 ( 2015-09-20 18:27:02 +0200 )editHello, I don't use invoker, how should I use it?
Rikudou_Sennin ( 2015-09-20 18:57:22 +0200 )editAh, found it, thank you very much for pointing the way :) Can you please send some resources about using the DBus method?
Rikudou_Sennin ( 2015-09-20 19:04:36 +0200 )editDBus is pretty common in desktop Linux distributions, you'll find plenty of resources online. I never used the C++ bindings (nor the one provided by Qt) but this seems a good place to start:
I have written an application for SailfishOS with a DBus service, written in vala: Maybe that's useful.
To interface with the service from the QML application, you can import org.nemomobile.dbus and use the DBusInterface object.
Ideally you should use Polkit to manage authentication but I don't know if there is a proper SailfishOS frontend for it (I remember that it was in the works before).
g7 ( 2015-09-20 20:31:08 +0200 )edit