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Jolla Tablet buyers, how much did you pay for taxes and custom? [not relevant]

asked 2015-09-25 00:10:04 +0200

sifartech gravatar image

updated 2015-10-28 06:51:16 +0200

Jolla announced that they have started shipping the tablets to the early buyers (lucky you!). If you have pre-ordered a Jolla Tablet, Jolla will email you telling you how much local tax, VAT, custom fees etc. you have to pay and how to pay for it.

It would be very much appreciated if the early buyers who are receiving the tablet kindly post the various fees determined by Jolla, for your country. Post with the following information:

Your Country: _____________
Courier Service used by Jolla: _____________

  1. Tablet Price you paid: _____________
  2. Shipping Fees: _____________
  3. Local Tax (if applicable): _____________
  4. Custom Fees (if any): _____________
  5. Other Fees (if any): _____________

Total cost of tablet (1+2+3+4+5): _____________

One of the reason I (and perhaps others) didn't purchase the tablet was because of the lack of clarity on the FINAL price of the tablet (Jolla tablet price + shipping fees + the taxes and custom fees ). I am still VERY much interested in purchasing the tablet (if and when they make it available again), but do want to know the final TOTAL price of the tablet beforehand. (I don't know why Jolla didn't publish this themselves in the first place, now that they have this information ... )

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Just to add for United States. Tablet PCs are exempt from import duties so you should not have to pay anything when it comes to you. http://www.dutycalculator.com/new-import-duty-and-tax-calculation/saved_calculations/view_details/195272881/

Axion ( 2015-09-25 00:23:50 +0200 )edit

I check for the Dutch people.

On phone or computers (closed I could find on the website of the customs) both have NO import tax. You only have to pay for the VAT (21% BTW). Depending on how much you paid for your tablet in this case.

So paying more then 50 euro would be way to much for the Dutch people. Also depending on the currency rate they used to calculate the euro value of the tablet. It was way better when I ordered then it's now.

Saying this I would prefer paying the tax when the parcel arrives then when I finalize my order.

DDH87 ( 2015-09-25 01:22:22 +0200 )edit

@DDH87: Thanks for the info. Did you pre-order a Jolla tablet? If you did, Jolla will be sending you an email telling you how much local tax, VAT, custom fees etc. you have to pay and how to pay for it. I was seeking this information from the buyers.

sifartech ( 2015-09-25 01:44:01 +0200 )edit

@sifartech No I have not received the invite yet. I'm at the beginning of the second 1000.

I got this information on the website of "De Belastingdienst" somewhere in the section "Douane". But according to the rules in the EU Jolla has to pay the cost for the Dutch import. But Jolla has never followed the EU rules on selling in the EU. For all my phones and other halfs I paid Finish tax. Not the Dutch as I'm suppose too.

However I will pay Jolla what they think I ow the. I will try to get the taxes I paid back from "De belastingdienst". Somehow I think this will be posible. But have no prove.

DDH87 ( 2015-09-25 02:20:58 +0200 )edit

@DDH87: The Jolla blog post mentions that if you are in EU, "taxes and customs fees will be calculated at checkout" and "... you will receive it directly to your address, without having to complete any customs formalities." I guess EU (and maybe US customers) have it easy, whereas all the other customers will have to deal with their courier service to pay the custom fees and such.

sifartech ( 2015-09-25 03:33:59 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2015-09-25 09:44:37 +0200

AkiBerlin gravatar image

updated 2015-09-25 17:42:26 +0200

@DHH87: I believe the correct way to apply the exchange rate for VAT calculation is as follows: First the total of your contributions is calculated in $, for instance price for tablet (e.g.199$) plus memory upgrade (was it 25$ ?), e.g. 224$. Based on this total, applicable VAT (for Germany this is 19%) is calculated in $, e.g. 224$ * 0,19 = 42,56$. Today, 42,56$ would be approximately 37,60€. So in my example, the final price for the 64GB tablet in Euros including taxes could be 169€ + 21,50€ (both based on the exchange rate then) + 37,60€ (based on today's exchange rate) = 228,1€.

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True. But my point is still true that more the 50 euro in taxes is outrages (Seen 60+ on the blog). In The Netherlands we don't pay any import tax. We only have to pay the VAT when computer equipment is from outside the EU. Think that the same goes for Germany.

DDH87 ( 2015-09-25 13:44:25 +0200 )edit

I fully agree. I was just asking my self how one would deal with the varying exchange rate. Because the Euro lost value with respect to the Dollar compared to last year, the tablet now would be more expensive (in Euros) than then. Therefore I would consider it wrong to apply today's exchange rate on the tablet price when calculating VAT.

AkiBerlin ( 2015-09-25 17:48:10 +0200 )edit

Iirc German VAT is calculated differently, it is 19% of the package, 100% is incl. taxes so the value without taxes is regarded as 81% so VAT for $224 is actually $52 - EU import fees on the other hand are plain 20% of what you paid for your product including shipping. Nvm, I run a misconception on how that is calculated, so it is calculated as just 19% ($*1.19) and that be about ~$40

chemist ( 2015-10-28 11:38:19 +0200 )edit

Concerning custom fees: import of notebooks, tablet-pcs and smartphones to the EU is absolutely exempted from custom fees. Unfortunately, I only found the website of the German custom showing this information. VAT varies from country to country (German as mentioned: 19%). http://www.zoll.de/DE/Privatpersonen/Reisen/Rueckkehr-aus-einem-Nicht-EU-Staat/Zoll-und-Steuern/Ueberschreiten-Reisefreimengen/beispiele_zollsaetze.html?nn=17384

Villa Duria ( 2015-10-28 14:52:54 +0200 )edit

Are the tablets beeing shipped from Finnland or from China? @AkiBerlin I work at a german company which often imports goods from china.

I got an example right here, shipping with TNT. The foreign currency of the payed sum (including 70% of shipping costs) is first exchanged into euro, then customs duties of ~2% are applied, then 19% EUSt.

The best thing that can happen is when TNT thinks the invoice was in CNY when it instead was in USD. Not your fault if the officials at the customs office realize that. If they don't, it can save you around 80% of taxes.

Using @AkiBerlin's values and assuming shipping costs of 20€ AND assuming the tablets are shipped from china I would expect to have to pay around 41€ taxes as a german (199$+25$ ~> (202,04€ + (20€ * 0,7)) * 1,19)

If they are shipped from Finnland, I expect to pay nothing in taxes.

@chemist I have no idea what you said there XD

PS: Don't ask me why only 70% of the shipping costs. I have no idea.

mlatu ( 2015-10-28 15:58:32 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-10-28 06:48:32 +0200

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updated 2015-10-28 06:48:32 +0200

sifartech gravatar image


I paid the 25% VAT that is the case for Sweden ... (189+25+49)*0.25=65.75 is exactly what I paid.

Source: https://together.jolla.com/question/114359/my-tablet-has-been-shipped/

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Asked: 2015-09-25 00:10:04 +0200

Seen: 1,289 times

Last updated: Oct 28 '15