2015-09-28 12:57:53 +0200
Thanks Entry3 for the link up!
Everybody who wants to join the list may also email me at tabletpre at mosushi dot com.
Here is the google doc again. Its read-only now because we had a little troll incident.
Entry format would be like:
Nick, Contribution Day, Contrib. local Time, Contrib. UTC Time, Invited?, Deliver to, Perk amount, UTC correct??, Order Number
- TMO-Nick = Username at, if non, invent some name so you recognize yourself on the list.
- Contribution = Day and time (utc prefered) you recieved the IGG contribution confirmation.
- Invited? = Did you recieve Jollas invite email from 2015/09/22?
- Deliver to = your contry iso-code
- perk amount = your tablet perk, without extras, shipping and taxes.
- utc correct? are you sure you caculated your local time to utc correctly?
- Order Number = The number of your order after jolla store checkout.
EDIT: as @chemist pointed out, "Order Number" is the actual number of your finalized order after completing the Jolla Shop checkout. (last 3 digits from what i heard). If you did not get an invite, you obviously have non yet. I do not collect the "IGG order number" since it is not given in any email and only retrievable by manually counting through the perk list or having good memory like chemist does.
Thanks for participating!
Sorry to make a comment here, but there is already something like this:
From this thread: To add informations you have to write a pm to mosen on or post at the thread there.
Entry3 ( 2015-09-27 12:30:17 +0200 )This thread as well:
Dave999 ( 2015-09-27 12:42:53 +0200 )This isn't really about the invitations. I just thought I would mention that Golden week is starting on the 1st so China will be shut down for a week. I highly doubt anything will be shipped within the 10 days. Just wanted to post this so people would know that. This would be out of Jolla's controll
Axion ( 2015-10-01 00:58:44 +0200 )