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Sailfish OS 2.0, what happened to my phone? [not a question]

asked 2015-09-28 00:52:21 +0200

hippy gravatar image

updated 2015-09-28 10:20:26 +0200

Just two weeks ago I gave my Jolla phone to a friend (iPhone user) to show it off. The simplest way to explain the phone is a let people go through the tutorial. As response I got a pretty satisfying “nice, a bit slow”. Since Thursday after updating to SFOS 2.0 I am asking myself if my hardware is outdated. Now I get the impression that I have to wait for my phone where as before I though it was tatty to say the phone is slow. Stupid me I though that a dual core processor can solve all problems faster than before. I mean the pure fact that I have to wait for the lock screen to appear and finish it’s animation reminds me on my first Chines touch screen MP4 player. But than I realise that this is probably intentional and just another move towards the gadgeting my life to turn my mind away from the real problems in this world. Just another second many times over in a day spend on the gadget. [to slow]

The next thing of cause that I want to get to home screen and I nearly drop the phone. Swiping to the right with my left hand thumb and the phone loses its balance as it rest on my fingertips which from a spine along the vertical axis of the phone. Thank fully I manage to avoid the repetition of that experiment, balance to phone and get a cramp in my thumb instead. Than this though crosses my mind that the advertisement of the Jolla phone claimed that things are done different and part of the OS design to allow a single handed operation of the phone. [single handed]

The second though is a memory, I was wondering when I watch the advertising videos for the Jolla tablet PC, how will they incorporate some of the design changes in Sailfish OS 2.0 on the phone. The changes seem sensible for the Tablet as the use case is a different to the phone. Especially the single handed concept is not practical on the table. Thus the UX-design is completely different. Now I ask myself, is it a phone or did it grow into a table PC overnight? But than the I realise that it is neither. It is just not considered properly. [phone or tablet]

On a closer examination I realised to typical Jolla design changes which accompanied many updates in the past. In general it takes some time and one can adjust to all changes. That does not mean that I would agree to all changes as I don’t find my personal taste reflected at all times. I must admit that I found the bulky vector graphic symbols at the start a bit ugly when I got my Jolla phone. Now I must say I like them for their simplicity and size. A large clock that is easily readable at all times and is never more than a short swipe or double tap away. Hold on, this is about SFOS 2.0, yes that clock is gone now, sorry! Same holds true for all other status symbols like signal strength and battery indication, bye bye. I would say to be truly un-alike Jolla should at lest offer configuration options that would allow me to set the behavior up myself. Else I would say SFOS 2.0 has gone another step towards being alike all the others. [alike] [config option]

The bottom line of my user experience is that SFOS 2.0 not a well thought out UX-design. The strive towards a truly innovative phone operating system has moved towards a main stram. It gives the general impression that it is a random assortment of gestures now without a clever design flow. Everything seems to be based on the motto, we need to fit more features into the device to make it more competitive on the market. The old concept of SFOS 1.X which I would describe as less is more is certainly not kept. The realization for this came when I wanted to put the phone done after the fist user expedience with SFOS 2.0, I swipe to lock the screen, the expected does not happen, I realize what I have to do and get a cramp in my thumb. [less is more]

As an aside, the new update exhibit’s bugs as before. I managed to crash the phone in less than 30 minutes after upgrading! Under the idea to check for more feature changes I want to see if the highly advertised feature to close all apps at once still exists. I hold my finger on the home screen move it a little as I see that the screen changes and crash. The pully menu shows a little and blue bare crosses the screen about 1/3 down. Hm, time for a reboot.

Listing of feature that reflect the above experience.

1) Move back to the lock-screen. I did not think much of this, as it turns out, “feature” until it was missing. Under the advertisement of handling the Jolla phone single handedly I found that doing a vertical swipe is easier than having to pick a symbol in the Application try. Therefor I see the shortcut to pully menu through the “lock screen” as an essential tool of the Sailfish OS. This feature also allows the home screen to be tidy and remove all the unimportant information like BT and WiFi status Phone signal strength Battery in an out of site but not out of mind space which is so easily accessible. [single handed, phone or table] I would remove some confusion form the definition within the SFOS and rename to “lock screen” to “safe screen”. The initial idea of a lock screen was not to lock the phone is a code, but to keep it save from unintended usage in pockets and co.

2) Silence in the pully menu. This was advertised in some of the promotion videos as a feature of the SFOS that once could even use it in a pocket without seeing the screen. A feature that was to that point reserved to non-touch screen phone. If in the church, in a meeting, in classroom or in other place where you face people that want your full attention and don’t like to be interrupted by other peoples phones. This feature was a big selling point of the Jolla phone and found great use on my phone. [single handed, less is more]

3) Moving from the safe screen to the home screen. This is a simple usability type issue. I can see that the new gesture is perfect for a Tablet PC but it does not fulfill the requirements for single handed use of a telephone. [single handed, phone or tablet]

4) Locking the phone was pre SFOS 2.0 a simple gesture which ticked all boxes of the single handed phone usage. In fact pre SFOS 2.0 I was always jokingly saying that SFOS is a Christian phone. To lock it just do a cross on the screen. To integrate a menu into the locking gesture removes the possibility to lock the phone on the way to the pocket as eye contact is required to lock it. It also increases the opportunity to get a RSI (repetitive strain injury) in the thumb when using the phone single handedly as to long stretch, which is no required twice, does not end in slowly releasing the stretch. the second stretch ends in a tap which requires much tighter mussel control. [to slow, single handed, phone or table, less is more]

5) The time it takes activate the safe screen with a double tap is a it of a joke. Sure iOS users have these animations all the time but they seem to be much more to the point and cause sub second delays. The SFOS safe screen takes 5 second to appear and animate on the Jolla phone. Is this some kind of April fulls joke? [to slow]

6) The new animation of the pully menu is kind of cute and certainly a help to nibs to see what they are doing. As a SFOS user form the beginning I would think that something like this is certainly in desperate need of a configuration option and should be disabled by default for users that do an upgrade. The redesign well, don’t matter to me. [to slow, config option, less is more]

7) The power button changes might similar to the lock screen problem but does not bother me to much. What is missing here is the feature that the phone power off regardless when press for longer. Especially when the phone has crashed and the GUI is stuck, how do you power of the phone?

8) App trays first row in home screen. Together with the change in (1) it is a real loss of the handling of the phone single handedly as the move to launch the Call up works towards the medical industry by increasing the risk of RSI. I.e. it is not practical as is. Unless I move the app down the the app tray, but than it not in the first row any more. This feature has potential to be developed as it is kind of nice making that row disappear. M aking it reappear under all circumstances with a simple gesture would make it usable. [single handed]

9) Home screen ordering of apps. This is changes which can be argued in many ways. As is it should have the feature reorder the open apps in the app close mode. I personally would like to have the old ways back. Thus, this has to be a configuration option in the setting menu. [config option]

10) The large clock which was accessible form any where with just a swipe or double tap on pre SFOS 2.0 is badly missed. At least have a configuration option for this one. [config option]

11) The new tiny status icons on the home screen and on the safe screen are just a step towards the way everyone else is doing things on a phone. SFOS looses the claim to be un-alike. [alike]

A couple of bugs are obvious on the new SFOS 2.0

12) the app shortcuts on the home screen don’t work anymore. I.e. I can not stop my music from the come screen. [less is more]

13) The Bluetooth enabled status shows on the home screen but not in the safe screen. but my BT headset is streaming music.

14) Rotating the ambiance image is gimmick and can not compet with the cool siding of the ambiance image from safe screen to home screen to app try.

As a conclusion I have to say there is one thing to try for me and two thing for Jolla to consider. For Jolla, 1) Come up with two interface, one for the phone and one for the tablet 2) or make the interface highly configurable so that customers can fix it any way they like.

For Me, as my birthday is just around the corner, 1) try the downgrade procedure and hope that future updates take a serious consideration of the above Else I have to find a new route to upcoming innovative mobile devices.

The above text is a meant a serious critic to the latest Sailfish OS upgrade and shall aid to successful continuation of the Jolla initiative. I have promoted the Jolla phone and tablet to may people with some successes and must say that I would refrain from promoting the Phone with version of the OS.

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What is missing here is the feature that the phone power off regardless when press for longer

Seriously? Jolla seem to have made some big design decisions which may or may not all be for the best, but frankly it is the increasing number of these little things that are really beginning to put me off.

strongm ( 2015-09-28 01:30:02 +0200 )edit

"I would refrain from promoting the Phone with version of the OS"

are you serious? These points (highly subjective) you've listed are THE reson why you've bought Jolla phone?

virgi26 ( 2015-09-28 01:41:25 +0200 )edit

I have to agree with the OP on just about every aspect.

Tanghus ( 2015-09-28 01:57:45 +0200 )edit

What is missing here is the feature that the phone power off regardless when press for longer

Just hold the button a bit longer and the phone will shut down just as earlier.

ScumCoder ( 2015-09-28 02:14:21 +0200 )edit

@virgi26: I can only speak for myself, but the points that OP does is a huge factor why I prefer my Jolla over my Nokia Windows phone. Without those points handling the Jolla is very much like any smartphone out there and I could just switch phone.

Mohjive ( 2015-09-28 09:22:26 +0200 )edit

10 Answers

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answered 2015-10-05 11:52:53 +0200

Flickta gravatar image

updated 2015-10-05 11:54:30 +0200

Using SFOS from the first update. I have to agree.

  1. Peeking events/notifications from anywhere vs. swiping to another screen to see notifications in 2.0. (Very often don't want to switch context and work with notifications, I just want to see what they are and deal with them later.)
  2. Peeking to see the time from anywhere with large, large clock!!! vs. small clock in 2.0 (the only problem with previous version was that not all useful status icons were visible while peeking)
  3. Lock screen via a simple gesture vs. using a button in 2.0 (you could lock the screen without looking at the phone and it worked while holding it awkwardly, when carrying something etc.)
  4. Swipe up to unlock vs. swipe from the side on 2.0 It worked from any place of the screen and you had full height of the screen to unlock the phone!
  5. Fast access to favorite apps from the home screen vs. Freaking Drawer on 2.0 (And it's not about stunning wallpapers we lost! It's about having a quick launch vs. opening a huge list of all apps and trying to find what you need - because icons are distracting).
  6. Quick access to system pulley menu vs. no fast access on 2.0 (Swipe down from the home screen to show the lock screen and use the pulley with another swipe) 5 and 6 are connected, there were two options to launch favourite apps - pulley on the lock screen and icons in favourites at the bottom of the screen - now there are NO options.
  7. Slow animations. I feel that OS may even work marginally faster than before, but long animations (like the lock screen appearance animation or the pulley menu animation) make the phone feel slower than it is.
  8. Unlimited number of apps on the home screen. Why?!? It it technically impossible to keep that many apps in memory. Apps presented as many small covers are not as easily identifiable as icons. Is it a favourites replacement, should I keep all apps that I use sort of 'open' on the home screen?
  9. Covers with TWO actions activated by swipes on the whole cover vs. covers with one action activated by pressing the small button in the lower part of the cover on 2.0. Do I need to elaborate on that? Ok. Before I could use the cover without precision aiming. Now I can't. I miss the button and open the app instead. Nice improvement.

And all these changes are justified by two reasons: 1. Make SFOS easier for people switching from Android and iOS. 2. Make it easier to support tablet, because tablet needs different UI.

  1. Why are people are switching from Android or iOS? Because they want more of the same? I switched from iOS because I wanted something a)unique and innovative and b)easy to use. Not familiar.
    And SFOS was unique and very easy to use /once you get accustomed to it/ It took several weeks, but I had enjoyed these weeks and been enjoying the UI ever since. I agreed to live with limited selection of native apps and buggy software (SFOS was and STILL IS buggy in 1.0.9) hoping that bugs will be fixed some day. Guess what? Instead of fixing bugs guys at Jolla decided to change the UI, and for me this change was for the worse. I had to get accustomed to the new UI, but this time I did not enjoy it and I do not enjoy using it. (BTW, my wife switched from ASHA -> Nokia N9 -> Jolla, been using N9 for a couple of weeks maybe. Anyway, she easily adapted to Sailfish and likes it a lot. I did not update her phone to 1.0.9 yet).
  2. Where is the tablet? Why does the yet-unreleased tablet dictate what UI should the phone have? Why should I get inferior UX on the phone to get better UI on the tablet? If you have decided to make a tablet (though everyone asked you for a new phone with better and more reliable hardware - I still have a piece of paper under the battery to keep the phone from restarting when the battery charge gets low!!!), please, make sure you are still keeping the phone users happy.

I didn't like SFOS 2.0 UI from the moment I updated. But I decided not to rush and try to use it more. Maybe I am wrong, maybe the OS got better, and when my muscle memory adjusts, I will like it... It didn't happen. I adjusted all right, but I still feel the new UI is worse. And I have installed the patch manager. I never wanted to use it before, there was no reason to. And I still don't want to use it, but there is no other way - I want to have locking by swipe and a larger clock.

Dear Jolla, I am disappointed. Single user disappointment shouldn't matter much to you, especially if you think you are doing the right thing modifying the OS. But I am your user anyway, I bought your phones and supported your tablet and I am not so sure I will do that again.

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Hi, I totally agree with you and hippy. Until release I didn't even know that Patch manager exists as I hadn't felt the need to use it (even though I wasn't satisfied with all changes but I got used to them). After this release I already have 5 patches installed just to be able to use the phone in the way I like it. I hope next release will come rather sooner than later and will bring back easy to use single handed phone UI I got used to and loved. But to tell truth I personally don't believe that anymore...

sepuka ( 2015-10-05 17:35:19 +0200 )edit

Well written Flickta!

I agree too. Except that i never had any hardware issues with my phone during the last year. SFOS never restarted when battery charge got low. Maybe they fixed that silently.

Opus ( 2015-10-05 20:37:01 +0200 )edit

Just got back to Added few patches and my UI is somewhere near-perfect. (Though I went through device reset to factory settings way in the end and it took me something more than two days to get it there, reconfigure, patch, restore my things and so, it feels so much worth it now...)

Quawerty ( 2015-11-14 17:00:54 +0200 )edit

I stayed with for four weeks, applying patches to remove animation delays, to be able to swipe to lock screen and other fixes to make it close to usable. And even though I really liked the new event screen (the way to reach it is debatable) I decided to downgrade. After a failed attempt to do just a down grade I was forced to do a factory reset and upgrade from there and then restore everything from backup and install all applications again. But now on I agree with @Quawerty: it was worth all that work.

Mohjive ( 2015-11-14 20:59:04 +0200 )edit

You are not the only one - so lets try to change things that they will be better (again) in future. Your thoughts on the new UI are perfectly matching with mine. If Jolla doesn't change back to be better than others, well we probably have to search for something else :( And that is sad

NuklearFart ( 2015-11-16 23:07:30 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-28 08:40:50 +0200

tortoisedoc gravatar image

I must say I agree on at least one point : swiping vertically is extremely handier than swiping horizzontally.

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It took me the whole early adopters phase to understand the concept of the new lockcreen. Here's what I think: don't swipe to unlock. Just open the appdrawer directly from the lockscreen if you want an app (no need to wait for the animations to finish), peek at the notices if you want to check some info OR swipe frome the right if you want to see your covers (hardly applies to me since I am the app closer type). So, the swipe from right is optional, I feel this is a common misunderstanding in SFOS 2 and causes much confusion. But now, that I know how I can quickly access the appdrawer from the lockscreen all that remains from my criticism is that, indeed, the animations could be a bit quicker.

lispy ( 2015-09-28 09:00:32 +0200 )edit

It's easy to access the app drawer from lock screen and since I too think it's easier to move my thumb vertically than horizontal I have adopted the behavior to go directly to app drawer from lock screen every time since it's easier/more ergonomic to "relaunch" an app than from there than to pull left and tap a cover. Then my rhetorical question to myself is: why have a home screen at all?

Mohjive ( 2015-09-28 09:16:31 +0200 )edit

Well, home screen has task switcher, which is supposed to help you find running apps faster (which is the same concept that Quickbar is using btw)

tortoisedoc ( 2015-09-28 09:19:47 +0200 )edit

If it's hard to reach due to strains on my thumb to to horizontal movement I seldom go to the home screen and therefor it's no use for it. There's a small (subjective) issue with the new ordering on the home screen as well (that I didn't think of when I wrote last comment), compared to app launcher. With the static ordering on the home screen it cannot guarantee the order of the app for every time I go to it, since I maybe have chosen to close an app, launch a new app or rebooted my phone but the app launcher can (I don't install applications anything near as often as I launch/close/reboot), which makes it easier to (re-)launch apps from app launcher (besides it's easier to reach).

Mohjive ( 2015-09-28 09:32:06 +0200 )edit

I agree. I personally wants 1. swipe down from top to lock screen immediately (is announced for 2.0), 2. first row of apps (at least by tapping at bottom) 3. bigger font/icons (or better, user configurable, but at certain limits-it cannot be too big) on homescreen 4. that blinking animation at pulley menus slows the work with phone for no reason... 5. after unlock swipe up to continue to homescreen. there would be probably more, but otherwise is the new UI better . I Hope that SFOS 2 will make these points better or I will have to downgrade... (the update I have accidentaly started by commandline, I was planning to wait and ignore the update after what I have read at together and seen on YT)

Bobsikus ( 2015-09-29 16:29:38 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-09-30 11:51:38 +0200

poddl gravatar image

updated 2015-09-30 11:55:09 +0200

I have 12 patches already on my Sailfish OS 2.0, but still not a consisting system. Better than without these patches for sure, but I do like a system where is is possible to get used of it. With Sailfiso OS < 2.0 I had only one patch in use. I guess it is not promising to wait for a solution, the changes and bug fixes are very slow, the last year. Sometimes just sadly things happens, if some wise guys mean to change a whole UI. Mean the old ideas was made with much effort and testing, but all wasn't good and the new ideas now all the best.....but wait one year more, the same guys need to be engaged this time and think all has to be changed again and again....reminds me on gnome which I used from the beginning and shot up before version 3. Very happy since, do just my work, thats the reason for using a device.

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@poddl: Please remember to check the "minor edit (don't send alerts)" checkbox when editing. I just got 3 notification mails :P

Tanghus ( 2015-09-30 12:44:07 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-16 22:05:39 +0200

Fellfrosch gravatar image

I don't agree, that SFOS 2.0 is worse than 1.x. Of course, some things have changed and i agree with some points you mentioned. Peaking to see a large clock was beautiful. The animations are to slow...

But on the other side there are a lot of improvements: The app drawer is great. Opening apps from literally everywhere is a huge step forward. The new eventscreen is very good. On 1.x I needed a patch for this. Ambiances are now much better integrated and the first time more than just eyecandy. Caldav is finally working for me absolutely reliable (with owncloud and egroupware). The device is rock solid (like it always was)

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What especially irritates me is that some people blame Jolla just for doing something similar to Android, like it's a bad thing in and of itself.

ScumCoder ( 2015-11-16 22:23:51 +0200 )edit

It really comes down to what we value the most. I prefer omnipresent event view, therefore I dislike the change to a omnipresent app drawer. Especially since we lost the functionality to enter and exit event view without loosing application context.

And personally I don't understand the huge step forward with the new app launcher - the need to launch applications from every where. The SfOS 1 way of side swipe followed of an up pull in a smooth gesture was quite enough. And personally I don't understand

Mohjive ( 2015-11-16 23:02:05 +0200 )edit

In my personal opinion the new app drawer is crap - it would be enough to reach it from home, but it is ok to have different thoughts. But don't get things wrong, I e.g. have no problems with the new events view page, it is the way how to reach and especially leave it. There might be global gesture but it is not reachable without using two hands on the device and I can't go back to the last opened app or just peek, see whats there and go back. The way to lock screen with a simple gesture was perfect. Who cares about having ambiences from anywhere? It is totally enough to be able to switch them from home. Personally I do it that way and its enough. I don't understand why on earth they need to be switchable from anywhere. Do I need to switch them while reading some news or sending a text message? I don't think so. A global gesture for events on the other hand is most important to me since it is a phone and I want to know what is going on. I don't want to have a big discussion on the topic, may be both of you do not share my opinion and that is ok. But I do not blame Jolla for doing things like other OSes - other people use it so there might be something good in it. I do not like the changes which slow my work flow. That happened with those changes and that is why I won't upgrade to the new system until it gets a better workflow. I bought the phone because of its usability and not because it is no i- or droid crap.

NuklearFart ( 2015-11-16 23:18:28 +0200 )edit


it is not reachable without using two hands

Maybe for you, not for me it isn't. Just a simple swipe from left.

I can't go back to the last opened app or just peek, see whats there and go back

Yes you can. In Saimaa you can swipe from left from anywhere, and the Events view fades in on top of whatever you are looking on now. Move your finger back to the left, and it fades out.

Who cares about having ambiences from anywhere? It is totally enough to be able to switch them from home.

There is an option in Settings->Gestures which does exactly what you say.

A global gesture for events on the other hand is most important to me since it is a phone and I want to know what is going on.

You already have a global gesture for events. Just swipe from left. Again, take a look at "Settings->Gestures".

I won't upgrade to the new system until it gets a better workflow

How are you going to know that Sailfish got "better workflow" if you don't upgrade? It already got better workflow in Saimaa, and from what you say it's obvious that you don't know that.

ScumCoder ( 2015-11-17 11:44:09 +0200 )edit

I thank you for this comment. I saw some videos and had an oportunity to test the 1.1.9 version. it was simply bad in my workflow. maybe some things changed, but a swipe from left is to far for my thumb. i'm one of those who prefer smaller phones. but the other mentioned things i'll check out for myself. btw, is there a lock gesture?

NuklearFart ( 2015-11-17 12:04:05 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-16 10:57:17 +0200

cemoi71 gravatar image

I'm agree for a lot argument in OP, and for more configuration.
find some design strategy choose awkwardly, but can still use easily.
There are a lot big bugs, for me major bugs, are bugs which make life and phone usage impossible.
And that don't happened by me. I never had a crash, and never had some instability signs.
The os is incredible stable. and bugs produce no collateral effects.
Just some functions don't works and are as known not useable, and are not main functions.
The only function that deeply hurt is the caldav/carddav issue, but i can live with it, and bugfix are already done and on the way for the community.
Now what is bad for me? nothing
I've still a nice simple system different from other one, and now that it goes even better.

please don't forget, that it is still new in compare of it's concurrence, and the dev team is smaller.
In these conditions, and with this results, that pretty incredible having reached such a result.
That's not easy to make its place in this market.

Don't forget how it was by the first steps of android. was pretty the same, i remember.

Go! Jolla go!

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Yes! SF2.0 is really stable, and generally very fast. I am impressed to see this smoothness on the old dualcore, even with the multitasking.

Yes, it took me some time to get used to the new UI, but that was quick enough. And the addition of stuff like the quick toggles in the events view, multiple covers on the Home Screen, greatly improve the UX.

Also, for some stuff there's an easy fix. E.g. the lockscreen animation is slow, but you can swipe to unlock straight away as soon as the display lights up. Locking the phone is achieved by simply pressing the Power button. Etc.

Some stuff like the small clock will certainly be fixed in an update soon.

bilgy_no1 ( 2015-11-16 23:06:00 +0200 )edit

i wonder every time when people tell that this part or this part is slow. for me not. lock screen is for me not slow. other parts are for me not slow. all parts seems for me to be normal... funny... what do all people do with his jolla-phone?...

cemoi71 ( 2015-11-17 01:20:22 +0200 )edit

@bilgy_no1: Locking with power button is uncomfortable at least. Additionally, I use single power button press for just turning off the screen, not actual locking (reconfigured using mcetool).

Subjective slowness depends upon the way you work with the device. If your mind give command and then wait for response before continuing thinking, then it's allright. My mind tends to think ~3 steps ahead, so any unnecessary pause in device rediness for next input is a pain for me.

@cemoi71: Daily work. Slow does not mean insufficient computing power in this case. In this case, slow means forcing pauses between user inputs. (Example here is the 2.0 pulley menu, which has ~1s selection animation where you can not interact with application and have to simply wait for it to finish.) Moreover, 2nd paragraph of this comment applies as repy to you as well.

Quawerty ( 2015-11-17 21:01:31 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-15 21:03:37 +0200

poddl gravatar image

move up to remind

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answered 2015-09-28 09:25:54 +0200

muppeth gravatar image

I have to disagres with most of the vomplains from OP. SailfishOS for me is mainly the openness to tweak things. for most of the things there are patches that give you option to change stuff as you please. swipe down to lock patches have now more functionality then in version1. swipe down to unlock also (now you can swipe right, left and down) and so on. heck, even the old pulley design is back if you want it to. i suggest checking those patches first. the UI from jolla is their vision (good or bad is pretty subjective) but then there is the community that does crazy stuff with it.

personally after applyingpatches i found useful, i would not want to go back to ui from version 1 as it would feel like a step back. the only missing feature for me arcover actions.

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Using patches is not feasible, since you have to un-apply them before every upgrade of SfOS and re-apply them afterwards.

Mohjive ( 2015-09-28 09:33:46 +0200 )edit

I have made few patches myself and I have to agree with @Mohjive . Patches should be only the last and temporary measure before Jolla fixes the problems themselves.

Patches are highly impractical - not only you need to be careful every update (which is also an additional hassle for developers, so users must wait for days/weeks for the new patch), but patches are very likely to interfere with each other, as most of them edit similar files.

Patching is just a last resort and nothing that should be encouraged or taken as normal. That's why it is really sad to see the Sailfish 2.0 situation, because people are generally unhappy with the changes, so more patches than ever have appeared, but Jolla still haven't communicated anything to the community. No explanation of the changes, no reaction to the feedback, nothing. It's a forced change that doesn't correspond with the moto "people powered" - not one bit.

nodevel ( 2015-09-28 09:51:42 +0200 )edit

Sounds like the world upside down..Why not sponsor patches to make Sailfish 1.0 on the phone UI look and feel like the 2.0 tablet UI? That seems like the typical way to go. For people that have ever installed Win 7 theme on N900 :D

vandersmash ( 2015-09-28 10:00:04 +0200 )edit

+1. Patches are (or should be) an excellent indicator for OS developers to show them the way to improve UX. Some patches are very popular, becoming kind of integral part of the standard UX. But almost none of them is endorsed in an official OS release.

The necessity of removing them before any OS update is a serious restraint against upgrade adoption.

In particular, SFOS 2.0 has triggered a bunch of new patches in order to compensate users' frustration. Perhaps an adequate measurement tool of patch popularity would be a useful input for OS development orientations.

objectifnul ( 2015-09-28 10:06:59 +0200 )edit

@objectifnul if a few hundred people use the UX patches, the I wouldn't call them neither popular nor a good reference of what people want out of SFOS. The patches are a hobby of a small group of people who liked the way things were in SFOS 1.0. IMHO the OS is better looking and really easy to use (OMG! I have to TAP ONCE to lock my phone - just.. just don't), even with the changed gestures. And the current UX is a result of feedback and testing from the people - so in my books that makes SFOS still people powered.

raketti ( 2015-09-28 12:13:50 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-17 07:30:29 +0200

Makeclick gravatar image

I think 2.0 is easier to adopt and quicker to use.. Only bad thing is bad lags sometimes, maybe some ram thingi, but it's too big lag, so maybe only some bug?

Love new browser! Now it is smooth, but still text select missing.... that is odd. Could Jolla update only browser!? Why only with OS update?

New users can use Sailfish easier, so it is better! Jolla will never manage to get big, if it's hard to use for no rison. It is quicker to start many apps because you can always pull up app menu (even app is launching). I only use all rotate patchs and "show date when peeking" patch.

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You could start an app while another app was launching in SfOS 1 as well, it's not new.

Many people tells that the new app launcher is better because it's quicker to start an application. Why is this important? Why do users have the need to be able to launch an application a fraction of a second to a second faster? How often do users launch applications really? Compared to how often one looks at the event view?

Mohjive ( 2015-11-17 09:18:56 +0200 )edit

Personally the new way isn't quicker for me due to ergonomical reasons - reaching for the bottom edge of the screen requires me to do a light shift in how I hold the phone which adds fractions of a second to the gesture. On the other hand (figuratively) my thumb normally rests close to the side edge so the side swipe is always close at hand and after a complete side swipe the thumb is in a position to do a pull gesture and then I had the app drawer there in SfOS 1. There's a slight delay waiting for the side swipe animation to finish before being able to do the pull gesture but it's close to neglectable. All in all, the new gesture is just fractions of a second quicker and I don't see the gain in that.

Mohjive ( 2015-11-17 09:20:28 +0200 )edit

I don't dislike the whole SfOS 2, it's just that I have some pet peeves with how they changed some parts of the UI/UX. There are lots of good changes in SfOS: the new event view, better browser, more stable gesture recognition, more stable over all. But these improvements could have been included any way.

Mohjive ( 2015-11-17 09:27:19 +0200 )edit

"New users can use Sailfish easier, so it is better!" I strongly disagree with this kind of reasoning. It is only applicable when you aim for greatest possible market share among mobile device OSs. And what exactly is the point of "getting big"? To drive in interest of malware programmers?

Jolla was never hard to use. It might be unlike other OS UI, but that is not what hard to use means. Evading other UI failures was good thing, doing it even better was great thing.

Quawerty ( 2015-11-17 21:39:12 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-11-30 11:02:16 +0200

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updated 2015-11-30 11:18:22 +0200

JollaHB gravatar image

I have several problems since the installation of Sailfish, too.

  1. I have every few minutes the Pop-Up "Remote keyboard has been crashed" and then Jolla freezes any app that is open in the moment the Pop-Up will appear.

  2. My Android Apps can no longer connect to the Internet, if I'm using a mobile connection. On WLAN they can still connect, so the failure must be OS specific for mobile connections.

  3. The earlier reported Problems still exist and haven't been fixed with this update. So please enable finally the SD-Card support! You can still not store Apps, Photos or Screenshots on it, only read things, stored by another extern device before. Sailfish still only stores and saves on the intern phone memory and is still ignoring if a SD-Card is installed.

Thats so a waste of memory! Please change this, too!

4, And the recognition of the Jolla Phone on a Windows PC using the "connect with USB"-Fuction is still a Game of pure Chance.

5, The Android-Version is still 4.1.2 Please update them, too or enable a possibility to update it manually!

6, Since Sailfish, if I'm using an Android-App, I have every few minutes the Pop-Up "Google Play Services has been crashed", too.

So please fix this permanent errors and the other here reported Problems with Jolla and also the Android-Version, too.

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answered 2015-11-30 13:42:53 +0200

michel gravatar image

Instead of posting a huge list of points we dont like about SFOS (2.0), we should give every point a seperate answer possibly with an idea of how to improve it, so that we can vote for them seperatly (we may all agree on some points (like its too slow) while some other points might be very much personal preference).

So for a start: increase the speed of every new animation. I dont think any animation should take longer than a third of a second possibly even less. Additionally make the clock visible directly when waking the device. This 'fly in' animation is totally useless.

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Asked: 2015-09-28 00:52:21 +0200

Seen: 6,811 times

Last updated: Nov 30 '15