2015-10-06 22:50:28 +0200
6981 ●94 ●134 ●137
Update: created a patch according to your changes (@virgi26)
CAUTION: Please be careful about changing system files, especially compositor.qml. You can brick your device. Before editing make backups from original files, enable ssh and write down IPs for the case of emergency. Double-check what you're typing. (Read more on comments.)
Ok, I myself found a way, I don't know if I should call it an answer, or just a workaround.
Editing two lines in two files will help:
line 194, removing the variable considering the screen size to enable the three-finger gesture for phone:
enabled: !systemGesturesDisabled
line 241, replacing the screen size variable with true to enable continuous volume control for phone:
showContinuousVolume: true
Reopened as openrepos is not the "user"-way to have it available (and to reduce duplication)
chemist ( 2016-04-28 17:46:48 +0200 )edit