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[bug] E-Mail reply replies with E-Mail address from wrong E-Mail account

asked 2015-10-08 12:04:50 +0200

m_josenhans gravatar image

updated 2015-10-10 12:00:57 +0200

E-Mail (imap&smtp) reply replies with E-Mail address from E-Mail (exchange) account

I have 3 E-Mail accounts on my mphone:

a) xxx@web.de, Imap & smtp configured
b) xxx@web.de, Exchange, status: active
c) xxx@mailbox.org, Exchange, status; active

I have opened and read an E-Mail under usage of account a) and replied to that message. However the reply E-Mail had been sent out with the E-Mail address from account c).

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2 Answers

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answered 2015-10-09 19:52:09 +0200

kid gravatar image

Under "Settings -> Apps -> E-mails" one sets the "Default account for sending".

While composing one can override this setting by tapping the "…" sign and subsequently the line starting with "From" which will provide you with a list of all your e-mail accounts to choose from.

br, kid

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This setting did not work as I expected at the first glance: to determine the sender address in case I am composing a new mail from the intitial/composed inbox view and not for replies. For the latter I would prefer to stick to the recipient address of the original mail (or the one assiociated with the receiving account).

What about going tri-state and providing the behaviour described above as an additional option?

lechris ( 2015-10-09 21:23:40 +0200 )edit

Tri-state makes sense to me as well. So, I'd second that :-)

kid ( 2015-10-09 21:34:06 +0200 )edit

I agree that having it tristate would be a good idea:

  • By default it is responded with the account, where the message was received
  • unless overridden with another configuration under "Settings -> Apps -> E-mails"

Alternatively one could make the reply address selectable for each reply individually, with the current accounts address as default.

m_josenhans ( 2015-10-10 11:40:25 +0200 )edit

There is another issue: Under "Settings -> Apps -> E-mails->Defaut account for sending" I get the following option list to select from:

  1. "xxx"
  2. "xxx@web.de"
  3. "xxx"

Instead I expected something like the following to be clear hat I selected:

  1. xxx@web.de, Imap
  2. xxx@web.de, Exchange
  3. xxx@mailbox.org, Exchange
m_josenhans ( 2015-10-10 11:51:16 +0200 )edit

Just name them what you like :-)

One can do that under "Settings -> Accounts -> 'Account' -> Description".

kid ( 2015-10-10 17:23:56 +0200 )edit

answered 2015-10-13 01:00:17 +0200

bilgy_no1 gravatar image

I've set up one Gmail account for emailing. I've set up an Exchange account for access to the calendar in the Calendar app. Email is not selected for syncing in the account setup.

When I share e.g. a link from the browser, the mail will be sent from the Exchange account. Expected behaviour is that the mail app will not sent from the Exchange account, since it's not set up for mailing.

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This seems to be another related bug. I would say Exchange accounts not configured as email account should not be set as default sender addresses.

What does the configuration under "Settings -> Apps -> E-mails" look like? What happens if you change the configuration here?

m_josenhans ( 2015-10-13 10:59:45 +0200 )edit

I agree. It's unexpected behaviour. In settings it did say the Exchange account was default. I changed it now, but I would never have thought to look for this setting in the Settings app. It should be in the mail app itself.

And the three dots are also not a logical place for changing the sender. I never connected the dots...

bilgy_no1 ( 2015-10-14 00:14:34 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-10-08 12:04:50 +0200

Seen: 966 times

Last updated: Oct 13 '15