Verify integrity of installed packages after upgrade or later
My Jolla has suffered so far two problems after upgrade. (This post)
Both related to zero sized files and not properly updated package where package was in place, but there were no files in filesystem or some files were missing belonging that package, and package version was old.
These problems caused that I could not access Accounts, or launch browser since browser paniced because missing library files (package xulrunner-qt5 was installed, but wrong version and missing library files)
My question/feature-request: Is there or should be there some sort of verify process or tool after upgrade to make sure everything is up to date?
In my case fix was to re-run: pkcon install pkgname
I was curious and luckily find out that there was rpm binary installed so I ended up running rpm --verify against all installed packages to see how much there are differencies. I found there was some, mostly just timestamp and permission differencies but also MD5 sum differencies. Below is explained what verify output means.
S file Size differs
M Mode differs (includes permissions and file type)
5 MD5 sum differs
D Device major/minor number mismatch
L readLink(2) path mismatch
U User ownership differs
G Group ownership differs
T mTime differs
P caPabilities differ
One package for example.
[root@Jolla tmp]# rpm -V libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
5..T..... /usr/lib/
...T..... /usr/share/translations/libjollasignonuiservice_qt5_eng_en.qm
[root@Jolla tmp]# pkcon install libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
Waiting in queue
Refreshing software list
Resolving dependencies
Installing packages
Waiting in queue
Waiting for authentication
Waiting in queue
Refreshing software list
Resolving dependencies
Installing packages
Downloading packages
Installing packages
[root@Jolla tmp]# rpm -V libjollasignonuiservice-qt5
[root@Jolla tmp]#
Another example:
[root@Jolla tmp]# rpm -V nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-lightweight
5S.T..... /usr/bin/calendardataservice
5..T..... /usr/lib/qt5/qml/org/nemomobile/calendar/lightweight/
[root@Jolla tmp]# ls -l /usr/bin/calendardataservice
-rwxr-sr-x 1 root privileged 211660 Jul 16 15:59 /usr/bin/calendardataservice
[root@Jolla tmp]# pkcon install nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-lightweight
Waiting in queue
Refreshing software list
Resolving dependencies
Installing packages
Waiting in queue
Waiting for authentication
Waiting in queue
Refreshing software list
Resolving dependencies
Installing packages
Downloading packages
Installing packages
[root@Jolla tmp]# ls -l /usr/bin/calendardataservice
-rwxr-sr-x 1 root privileged 212288 Sep 5 01:15 /usr/bin/calendardataservice
[root@Jolla tmp]# rpm -V nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-lightweight
[root@Jolla tmp]#
Package version was before and after same: nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-lightweight-0.2.8-10.22.1.jolla.armv7hl