First and foremost it is a phone - - Display timeout --

asked 2015-11-16 21:35:19 +0300

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updated 2015-11-16 21:37:24 +0300

jumbaer gravatar image

I have problems when i call someone - the phone call is working but the screen is going black, so if you are in waiting loop and you have to press for example 3 oder 4 to get further, i have problems to activate the screen and press the right number. Sometimes I hit the wrong sign on the touchscreen instead of the right number, also it takes so much time until the screen goes on . I think it will be the best, when the phone stays always on, during a call - no sleep and no hidden dialpad.

It is annoying to hit first the screen to wake up and the then press the numberpad switch before you can type or the switch the loudspeaker or the microphone on or off.

The the same is the contact app - for example you call someone and talk to the person - an now the person ask you -can you give me the number from .... then you must switch the display on, make a gesture and open the contact app and start search the person. Why can the phone app and the contact app be the same or the function contact can easy be started by a gesture from the top in the phone app.

First and foremost - i think jolla is a phone - and this function would should be as comfortable as possible - and easier to handle as all the other mobilephone systems :-) - look at the phone call handling by a iphone or android phone take this as a nice example and improve this to the best mobile phone app - because jolla is unlike the others

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I've never had this issue, but my screen timeout is set to 10 minutes. Is your screen timeout set to a shorter time? I can understand why it would be an issue.

drcouzelis ( 2015-11-16 22:29:21 +0300 )edit

maybe you have something on your proximity sensor? If yes that might be the reason.

NuklearFart ( 2015-11-16 23:20:05 +0300 )edit

Mine does the same, especially when I receive a call and try to activate the speaker.

pmelas ( 2015-11-17 00:51:39 +0300 )edit