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Maps no longer works since Sailfish 1.1.9 [answered]

asked 2015-11-18 21:25:17 +0200

tdb gravatar image

With the update to Sailfish 1.1.9 (possibly earlier but I'm not sure), the maps app stopped working for me. If I try to launch it from the app grid, I get the placeholder cover with spinning loading indicator for a few seconds, but the app itself never shows up. Calling up a process listing in the terminal shows that the sailfish-maps process is there, and it also continues trying to find GPS. Launching the app from the terminal gets a little further; I get the landing screen with "Swipe left to explore maps", but no amount of swiping gets me to the actual map view. There's also a number of ReferenceErrors, mostly from MainPage.qml. Things it is missing include persistentData, favoritesModel, recentPlacesModel and myPlacesModel.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "the question is answered, an answer was accepted" by jollailija
close date 2015-11-18 22:17:21.742219


for me it's working fine using sailfish 2.0, I guess you already uninstalled and reinstalled the maps app?

till ( 2015-11-18 21:45:01 +0200 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-11-18 21:44:16 +0200

updated 2015-11-18 21:50:38 +0200

pkcon remove+install sailfish-maps

I hope that will do the trick Edit: I am actually experiencing the same bug with maps, time to test my own fix :)

Edit2: This fixed it for me. Yay!

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First do remove, then install (my Jolla's keyboard keeps crashing, I can't edit the answer!)

jollailija ( 2015-11-18 21:48:59 +0200 )edit

Maps got fixed by manually updating it from the store. Looks like it was quite a bit out of date; pkcon showed the installed version as 1.0.3, pretty much the oldest available! I was under the impression that it was kept up to date together with the rest of the OS since there were no update alerts, not even when I checked the my apps list in the store. I had to navigate to the page for the app itself to see that an update was available. Now I wonder if I've missed any other updates...

tdb ( 2015-11-18 21:57:30 +0200 )edit

@tdb Try pkcon refresh and pkcon update, they should do the job.

jollailija ( 2015-11-18 21:59:35 +0200 )edit

The store updated it to version 1.1.18, so I guess it did that pkcon stuff in the backstage. Before accessing the store the latest version pkcon showed was 1.1.9 (which was still newer than 1.0.3).

tdb ( 2015-11-18 22:03:31 +0200 )edit

@tdb Yeah, that's how the Store app works. The command is just more reliable in my opinion. You even see the action if you add -p at the end of the command.

jollailija ( 2015-11-18 22:05:53 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2015-11-18 21:25:17 +0200

Seen: 306 times

Last updated: Nov 18 '15