I'd Like to Help with US MMS
Hello all. A friend of mine has a Jolla Sailfish phone. He's a huge supporter of open source software, and even knowing he'd be restricted to 2G, he chose to buy it to support Jolla. So far so good. The phone works fairly well except we can't get MMS working. I'm pretty sure the problem isn't fixable by changing his settings because we tried every possible combination. I'd like to look at the source. I've been researching a bit, and I think I understand how this works. Mer is the stack underneath, so that's where the MMS code would be, or am I wrong about that? If I'm right, how do I get the Mer source? The gitlab page has over a hundred mer related projects. I'm assuming what I need is in mer-core, but there are tons of subprojects there. So how do I grab all of mer-core at once?
Or, if the MMS stack is somewhere else, where is it?
I'm a competent programmer, and I can probably help him figure out this issue. I've been researching how MMS actually works. I will admit that I don't know much about git or version control at all. It wasn't taught when I went to college the first time. My school this time around isn't teaching it either, but I'm learning Git now on Codeademy. If I figure out the problem, I'll of course have to submit a push request, but I can figure that out later. Right now, I'd just like to grab the code I need, take a look at what's going on, and see if I can figure out why it won't work for him (He's on Walmart Family Mobile, which is essential T-Mobile). Best scenario is I can clone the repository I need from the command line.
Any success on this?
marxistvegan ( 2016-08-14 18:39:21 +0200 )editMy friend has a Jolla Sailfish phone. He's a big fan of open source software, and even knowing he'd be limited to 2G, he chose to buy it to care Jolla. The phone works justly well except we can't get MMS working. Just try ecojournalism.org it. I'm confident that the issue isn't solved by altering his settings because we strained every possible mixture.
aftabiqbal9 ( 2019-05-28 13:57:57 +0200 )edit