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I'd Like to Help with US MMS

asked 2015-11-25 07:41:09 +0200

JoeJoh gravatar image

Hello all. A friend of mine has a Jolla Sailfish phone. He's a huge supporter of open source software, and even knowing he'd be restricted to 2G, he chose to buy it to support Jolla. So far so good. The phone works fairly well except we can't get MMS working. I'm pretty sure the problem isn't fixable by changing his settings because we tried every possible combination. I'd like to look at the source. I've been researching a bit, and I think I understand how this works. Mer is the stack underneath, so that's where the MMS code would be, or am I wrong about that? If I'm right, how do I get the Mer source? The gitlab page has over a hundred mer related projects. I'm assuming what I need is in mer-core, but there are tons of subprojects there. So how do I grab all of mer-core at once?

Or, if the MMS stack is somewhere else, where is it?

I'm a competent programmer, and I can probably help him figure out this issue. I've been researching how MMS actually works. I will admit that I don't know much about git or version control at all. It wasn't taught when I went to college the first time. My school this time around isn't teaching it either, but I'm learning Git now on Codeademy. If I figure out the problem, I'll of course have to submit a push request, but I can figure that out later. Right now, I'd just like to grab the code I need, take a look at what's going on, and see if I can figure out why it won't work for him (He's on Walmart Family Mobile, which is essential T-Mobile). Best scenario is I can clone the repository I need from the command line.


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Any success on this?

marxistvegan ( 2016-08-14 18:39:21 +0200 )edit

My friend has a Jolla Sailfish phone. He's a big fan of open source software, and even knowing he'd be limited to 2G, he chose to buy it to care Jolla. The phone works justly well except we can't get MMS working. Just try ecojournalism.org it. I'm confident that the issue isn't solved by altering his settings because we strained every possible mixture.

aftabiqbal9 ( 2019-05-28 13:57:57 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2017-10-11 17:32:40 +0200

PK gravatar image

After months of troubleshooting T-Mobile USA MMS settings for Sailfish, I have finally located the correct settings for T-Mobile USA MMS under Sailfish. I believe this was the original reason the question was asked. The most important setting is to set the MMS Protocol to IPv6. Here are full details:

Connection Name: T-Mobile MMS Access point name: fast.t-mobile.com Protocol: IPv6 Authentication: None Proxy Address: Leave blank Proxy Port: Leave blank MMS message center address: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc

Here are my Data access point settings: Connection name: Internet/WebConnect Access point name: fast.t-mobile.com Protocol: Dual Authentication: None

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answered 2015-11-25 10:35:28 +0200

I guess the code is hosted at: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/mms-engine

You'll need to run the SDK to build the code, either using QTCreator or directly using mb2 inside the mersdk virtual machine. Ask if you need further help on building the code. This will generate a mms-engine-*.rpm package that you can install later on the phone with rpm -U. You can revert to Jolla version with a pkcon install mms-engine If I'm not mistaken.

I'm quite ignorant about the telephony part, but it seems to me that MMS is using the 3G bands to transport the actual data and unfortunately, the US 3G bands are not available in the Jolla chipset. I may completely be wrong on this assumption though.

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In general, MMS works both on 2G and 3G. There's the technical possibility that a provider chooses not to offer services like MMS or data access in general on 2G networks. I'd expect such providers to publish a respective note in their MMS settings info page, though.

ossi1967 ( 2015-11-25 11:21:09 +0200 )edit

Okay, I'll give that a try. I had already downloaded the mms-engine code. Been going through it. I was just hoping for an easy way to grab the entire core.

JoeJoh ( 2015-11-25 20:14:16 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-11-25 07:41:09 +0200

Seen: 816 times

Last updated: Apr 30 '19