2015-12-09 19:13:36 +0200
Yes, it's sad news indeed, but for me the pattern that emerges is pretty clear: the mainstream market of mobile OS's is saturated, at least in the sense that mainstream users and hardware manufacturers do not see any added value in using an alternative OS. Even Microsoft is bearly holding up, and it's the leviathan of the group. I have raised this point before. Attempting to frontally compeate with Android and iOS is a battle that doesn't seem to be winabble at the current state of things, so Jolla should concentrate in building up a niche, lowering costs by focusing on the core OS development and selling official ports to popular HW to interested users. They should concentrate on satisfying the needs and wishes of the community, instead of trying to desperately win over main stream users and carriers.
The companies on board who distributed FirefoxOS are big players like Alcatel, LG, ZTE, Huawei etc. They care zero about FirefoxOS, which by the way was a real open-source alternative. These companies care even less about SailfishOS as long they keep certain parts of the OS closed.
tvicol ( 2015-12-09 14:46:21 +0200 )editIndeed, Sailfish needs to be Open up. Evenmore, being open to the community is also a requirement. Minimal change is removing the current CEO, for all is "un-openness", to say it nicely.
wim de vries ( 2015-12-09 15:15:24 +0200 )edit