news regarding debt restructuring [not a question]
asked 2015-12-12 08:58:20 +0200
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+ sailfish os update end of next week to early access, intex phone should be released in early 2016
Thumbs up for Jolla
danfin ( 2015-12-12 12:36:10 +0200 )editfinally some good news :)
XiliX ( 2015-12-12 14:58:31 +0200 )editLet's hope they can settle some money infusion and Intex phone will be successful enough to keep them afloat. Not to mention if some of those mythical 'other vendors' finally comes up with a good model being available worldwide...
zlutor ( 2015-12-12 21:21:01 +0200 )editBy the way, I subscribed to Intex/Sailfish newsletter one month ago. Zero news so far.
objectifnul ( 2015-12-12 22:26:38 +0200 )editPersonally I suspect that newsletter only to be a marketing tool for checking interest in SFOS.
tortoisedoc ( 2015-12-14 13:48:21 +0200 )edit