How to specify different port in sailfish-browser?

asked 2015-12-14 21:34:44 +0200

voulo gravatar image

updated 2016-08-17 11:27:02 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hello! How do I specify other port than 80 in sailfish-browser? The xxx.xx.xx.xx:8081 is not working.


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I've just tested this successfully in my local network via http://[hostname]:[port other than 80].

Are you sure your device is connected to the desired network? If you have developer mode enabled, you can check your current wifi IP adress in settings -> developer mode. [edit: or by running ifconfig in the terminal]

velox ( 2015-12-14 22:37:02 +0200 )edit

I can confirm this. It works with [name or ip]:[port] without problems. Best regards

MichaelS ( 2015-12-14 22:46:04 +0200 )edit

UPD: I think the problem is on my side, desktop browser that I've used for cheking began to deny connection as well. Thank you for your responces.

voulo ( 2015-12-15 11:55:31 +0200 )edit