ssh battery check [duplicate]
Hi, is there a CLI command allowing to check battery and power status? This would be useful for remote device monitoring through SSH and Putty.
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Hi, is there a CLI command allowing to check battery and power status? This would be useful for remote device monitoring through SSH and Putty.
Just use standard linux interface to battery readings: /sys/class/power_supply
. On arbitrary device one has to skim through /sys/class/power_supply/*/type
which devices a batteries. In case of Jolla:
$ head /sys/class/power_supply/battery/{capacity,current_now,status}
==> /sys/class/power_supply/battery/capacity <==
==> /sys/class/power_supply/battery/current_now <==
==> /sys/class/power_supply/battery/status <==
capacity is measured in percent of max charge.
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Asked: 2015-12-26 13:32:23 +0200
Seen: 537 times
Last updated: Dec 26 '15
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olli ( 2015-12-26 14:35:14 +0200 )editThx and sorry for not finding it.
objectifnul ( 2015-12-26 14:59:33 +0200 )edit