2015-12-31 03:19:01 +0200
I just quickly built Ambience-Allwhite (for want of a better name) and here's a few screenshots and why I never bothered to release it for public use. (a lot of work would need to be done to make this usable).
Looking quite good initially, nice white homescreen with black time/3G/Battery - but icons not visible and then it soon becomes apparent, quite quickly, how other apps are looking a bit crap and are unreadable.

Sadly, because of the way the 4 elements are linked, there is no known way, as yet, to make elements behave as required in each application. , like here in Launcher, but you could apply a patch that allows transparency of the launcher and ends up looking like this; (hence you can see the time through the launcher.
But those darker windows in other apps, like SMS, are just no good. I found the 'filter' that creates that dark effect and renamed it to '.old' - but then, Sailfish Browser doesn't look right and is unusable, as the filter is part of the browsers UI - so another mess is created.
IF anyone is interested, I can upload it somewhere, not sure anyone will be interested, I only made the ambience package again for ease of testing and taking screenshots.
The only way to get a black font is to alter the hex pairs in the ambience file so all elements like time/date/ general text are black, but then icons like reception, flightmode stay white. So on a white background, which is more like an off white to grey, just looks terrible and I don't think it would really be of any help to you. I tried this when making my allblack ambience, I thought reversing it would look cool, allwhite ambience (black text on white background) - but it just doesn't pan out that way, it looks awful and also, black text on the black background of Launcher just doesn't work, of course.
Spam Hunter ( 2015-12-31 02:03:38 +0200 )editThanks to somebody I don't remember right now (for sure from, I got rid of that ugly black launcher background with this patch which enables transparency (here's EDIT: _not_ the diff to already cleaned fixed "black" to "Theme.highlightDimmerColor", also found on name "sailfishos-patch-remove-black"):
Mano ( 2015-12-31 12:41:41 +0200 )edit