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Mobile connection used to work but is now broken

asked 2015-12-30 22:34:52 +0200

updated 2015-12-31 16:19:27 +0200

My Jolla used to work fine, but now the telephony is broken. I've been running (Saimaa) since it was released.

A few weeks ago, I started noticing that the mobile connection (not just data, everything!) drops out periodically when there is poor wifi signal. I was fine with that, because I've seen that other people had the same bug and I could work around it by turning the wifi off to get a signal.

Today, my mobile connection went completely (I can't call/text, no 2g/3g/4g) and it hasn't come back. Wifi works fine, and so does bluetooth.

I'm not sure if the two issues are related or not.

I have tried deleting/moving the connman settings as described here: https://together.jolla.com/question/52439/networking-not-available/?sort=votes&page=1 ...but I'm stuck with the same behaviour.

CSD tool says "network status: offline"

Here's what I'm getting from ofono:

nemo ~ $ sudo systemctl restart ofono
nemo ~ $ sudo systemctl status ofono -l
ofono.service - Telephony service
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ofono.service; disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2015-12-30 20:28:31 GMT; 35s ago
 Main PID: 4594 (ofonod)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ofono.service
           └─4594 /usr/sbin/ofonod -n --nobacktrace --noplugin=he910,dun_gw_bluez5,hfp_bluez5,hfp_ag_bluez5,cdma_provision,bluez5,isimodem,n900,u8500,qmimodem,gobi,cdmamodem,isiusb,nwmodem,ztemodem,iceramodem,huaweimodem,calypsomodem,swmodem,mbmmodem,hsomodem,ifxmodem,stemodem,dunmodem,hfpmodem,speedupmodem,phonesim,telitmodem

Dec 30 20:28:32 Jolla ofonod[4594]: ril_set_online: RIL_REQUEST_RADIO_POWER 1
Dec 30 20:28:32 Jolla ofonod[4594]: data reg status probed 2
Dec 30 20:28:32 Jolla ofonod[4594]: Unable to read waiting messages numbers from SIM
Dec 30 20:28:32 Jolla ofonod[4594]: Unable to read mailbox identifies from SIM
Dec 30 20:28:34 Jolla ofonod[4594]: Requested file structure differs from SIM: 6fb7
Dec 30 20:28:34 Jolla ofonod[4594]: voice registration changes 3 (-1)
Dec 30 20:28:34 Jolla ofonod[4594]: nw select automatic
Dec 30 20:28:39 Jolla ofonod[4594]: export_entries_one_storage_cb with ME failed
Dec 30 20:28:42 Jolla ofonod[4594]: data reg changes 0 (2), attached 0
Dec 30 20:28:42 Jolla ofonod[4594]: voice registration changes 2 (3)

Is this a problem with the sim card, or could it be a software issue?

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1 Answer

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answered 2015-12-31 16:00:22 +0200

marttipiirainen gravatar image

The last log line

Dec 30 20:28:42 Jolla ofonod[4594]: voice registration changes 2 (3)

indicates an oFono state change from "network registration denied" to "searching for networks". In other words, it seems that the phone attempted to connect to the cellular network, the network denies it, and the phone continues to look for other networks.

I would assume that your SIM card resp. your subscription has a problem. (Maybe you can cross-check if the same SIM card can connect to the cellular network with another phone?)

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Thanks for your answer. I went into town today and got a new SIM for a different network (I was planning on changing networks anyway). The new SIM works fine!

It's still a mystery to me why the old SIM stopped working, it was only a year old!

Feathers_McGraw ( 2015-12-31 16:14:37 +0200 )edit
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Asked: 2015-12-30 22:34:52 +0200

Seen: 547 times

Last updated: Dec 31 '15