Need file /etc/connman/main.conf [answered]
Hi, I configured the file /etc/connman/main.conf, but I like to return to the old parameters and I badly made no backup. So can anyone please post this file? Thanks
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Hi, I configured the file /etc/connman/main.conf, but I like to return to the old parameters and I badly made no backup. So can anyone please post this file? Thanks
Here you go:
FallbackTimeservers =,,,
NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet
SingleConnectedTechnology = false
Ipv4StatusUrl =
Ipv6StatusUrl =
PreferredTechnologies = bluetooth,wifi,cellular
PersistentTetheringMode = false
AllowHostnameUpdates = false
TetheringSubnetBlock =
DontBringDownAtStartup = rndis
InputRequestTimeout = 300
FallbackTimeservers =,,, NetworkInterfaceBlacklist = p2p,usb,rmnet,rev_rmnet SingleConnectedTechnology = false Ipv4StatusUrl = Ipv6StatusUrl = PreferredTechnologies = bluetooth,wifi,cellular PersistentTetheringMode = false AllowHostnameUpdates = false TetheringSubnetBlock = DontBringDownAtStartup = rndis InputRequestTimeout = 300
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Asked: 2016-01-04 18:34:59 +0200
Seen: 729 times
Last updated: Jan 04 '16
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Thank you very much
yajo ( 2016-01-04 18:57:50 +0200 )edit@yajo FYI you may find all files (root/home) in the factory snapshots, at least if not modified on later upgrades (mount RO!)
chemist ( 2016-01-04 21:30:55 +0200 )edit