addressbook entry mappings possible?

asked 2016-01-07 10:33:06 +0200

Mano gravatar image

updated 2016-01-07 10:36:01 +0200

I'm using my JollaPhone with CardDAV (groupdav.php/addressbook). Additionally, SoGo Connector uses same source.

Looks like Display Name != Nickname ?

Jolla overrides my "Display Name" :-( (with "Name Surename")

Is it possible to define a mapping? So that "Display Name" (which I know is defined for inetOrgPerson's LDAP schema) maps to Jolla's "nickname"?

Is there really no standard what entries are mandatory for "addressbooks", at least if I claim VCard compatibility? Haven't searched, but can't imagine... Who ignores standard/best practice, the Thunderbird/SoGo side or the Sailfish?



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