Store messages as drafts while typing. [duplicate]
I was writing a longer SMS and accidentially made a left swipe to previous page. The whole SMS was then vanished. Would be nice to have SMS stored as draft if not yet sent.
We have moved to a new Sailfish OS Forum. Please start new discussions there.
I was writing a longer SMS and accidentially made a left swipe to previous page. The whole SMS was then vanished. Would be nice to have SMS stored as draft if not yet sent.
Messages once typed should remain on the message-page of the contact until deleted or sent - and no this is not only for going back to read another msg but to send someone birthday wishes you forgot to send the year before (true story).
The going back to read another message thing could be made by having external composing windows but the msg would be gone when this is closed.
If the separated composing window closes the other requests this one stays valid. There are 3 questions about a similar issue, each can have a different solution fixing the specific problem described, so instead of starting a new one I resurrected this one and altered it. Keeping a conversation open while looking at another is not draft-saving. The way the user recognized was the same as the other questions. Once this is sorted we will see which are still valid.
chemist ( 2014-02-06 11:49:19 +0200 )editThis is already discussed here: It contains more than your proposal but close enough for you to comment and cast a vote there. Closing as duplicate...
This thread is public, all members of Together.Jolla.Com can read this page.
Asked: 2014-01-09 17:11:27 +0200
Seen: 325 times
Last updated: Mar 03 '14
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