jolla tablet closure. But... what else for the future? [not relevant]
Hello to Jolla and Antti,
thank you very much for your explanations about the tablet, and let the story and next so transparent as possible.
I had a BUT and to explain, and a further question to ask which was not exposed on the blog.
Let me introduce it...
Decision is down that the tablet will be out again for a small amount.
And after the explanations, i understand that is really not possible to build the product further, even if with the best motivation.
Then Jolla provide his OS for tablet too, there is currently just few ports on other tablets (most of them are android one).
But that are not fully supported, are not official too.
The only one which could have all the attention of jolla officially and fully supported is now discontinued.
Then there is again no tablet any more.
By jolla I had the ambition to get away from the actions of the big 3 (ios, android, winf).
Something European, more private sphere friendly, and transparent, from founder who is more aware from the community need. It meant for me, that i would have this for my phone and tablet (still have old android one).
Until now i'm happy with jolla and philosophy.
Do jolla have any plans for the short terms and especially for the long term concerning to have a official fully supported tablet?
How may i and others get a tablet which has sfos fully supported from jolla and officially?
Thank you very much in advance for understanding, and answering.
And enjoy for a well constructive discussion.
Most likely they will share more news about the situation and whatnot in a few weeks at MWC '16.
Sawyer ( 2016-01-29 11:03:46 +0200 )edit@Sawyer yes i think or better said i hope... i had expected too, after a blog information beginning January. That is a question that i would give them that they could prepare on calm.
cemoi71 ( 2016-01-29 11:37:48 +0200 )editI also suggest on the following:
Jolle should revise Jolla Tablet Project:
Jolla or Jolla could license Jolla Tablet -TM for some Company, and Jolla Tablet production should be revised as follows:
-Tablet with SIM and Wifi only. - Tablet should contain also internal hdmi output. etc. -Price should lie between e.g., 300 to 450 euros ... -Tablet should be sold only by Jolla Shop and some other shops. Not by IGG.
We need Jolla Tablet. And after Jolla tablet, when everything has reached top results, the we are ready to talk about Jolla Smarth Watch etc.
That is my dream as Jolla user and fan
N9Sailfish ( 2016-01-29 18:51:06 +0200 )editWhen reading the blog update this question bugged me too again. Even more so with the confirmation that the Jolla Tablet is dead. While I hope that Jolla comes up with some deal licensing/supporting SFOS on 3rd party hardware I'm not very hopeful that this will be any time soon, sadly. (not just for the tablet because the phone is getting old too). For myself I'll see what MWC'16 brings
Andre ( 2016-01-31 18:54:06 +0200 )edit