UI: Improved legibility -- css file? [answered]
asked 2014-01-09 21:58:06 +0200
This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
While I have read somewhere here in the forum, that skins/themes etc. are not possible with the Sailfish UI (I do not mind), I wonder whether there is somewhere deep in the system something like a css file (Cascaded Style Sheet; a standard HTML formatting mechanism) that would allow the user to change certain settings to adapt the UI for better readability (e.g. changing text colors to lighter ones to improve contrast on the typical dark background).
Yes, the current state is a good compromise between design and readability for most users and readability in general is already better than on the N900. But if there would be a css like file, I would happily try to improve the UI according to my needs.