[App request] QGroundControl

asked 2016-02-05 23:53:15 +0200

DarkWhite gravatar image

updated 2016-02-05 23:54:19 +0200

QGroundControl provides full ground station support and configuration for the PX4 and APM Flight Stacks. QGroundControl also provides flight support for any MAVLink capable vehicle. QGroundControl runs on Windows, OS X, Linux and Android tablets.


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Nevermind, my mistake. There appears to be a Android wifi version already.

Now if there were also a working Saifish or Alien Dalvik compatible (eg. in the past Maemo 5 mardrone) Parrot Freeflight app I would be happy ;) . My Sailfish - Android compatibility crashes every time when trying changing drone settings (gear icon).

DarkWhite ( 2016-04-16 02:04:02 +0200 )edit