Bluetooth AVRCP MPRISv2 Controls
It would be nice if the Bluez implementation on the Jolla Phone translated AVRCP controls to MPRISv2 media player controls. Since the lockscreen controls are using mpris I would think most sailfishos media players are going to support this standard.
Newer versions of Bluez seem to support this feature, but the version of the Jolla Phone has the previous version of control.c v4.10 vs control.c latest Not sure how easy this would be to backport, or what the plan regarding Bluez5 is or not.
This would make it easier on app developers to support all the different ways of controlling media players since it would be a single standard interface.
EDIT 01/09/2017: Since Jolla C now has Bluez5 this should be possible to configure.
+1 I'd like to make Nettiradio controllable via BT headset.
jollailija ( 2016-02-06 17:29:23 +0200 )edit