What must I do to setup my accounts with keepass-backed info?
I have accomplished so far:
- ssh-ing to the phone
- devel-su -ing
- setting a root password
- installing nano to forbid root logins in the sshd_config
- mkfs.btrfs... -O ^noext or on the sdcard to make the sd-card formatted with btrfs (which I use on all my other computers anyway) - for now, it shall be a data-only card, so I do not want to mix it up with the internal storage as suggested here in the forum
- I manuall mounted the card at /media/sdcard, but it is not seen as such external storage e.g. in the ownKeepass-App. I also have no idea if I have to put it in /etc/fstab or not
- I chowned the card to the nemo user
- as external storage its not seen so i ln -s ed it at least into the desktop.
- installed signal and threema
- installed sailbox and ownkeepass to get my account keys.
- Now I want to setup a google (yes, I know) mail account with a VERY long and cryptic key, but can't paste into the password field. On Android I would point at the password field a while, and then an insert here box would appear, but where is copy and past on sfos?
What am I doing wrong? Is there a way to setup accounts via ssh-terminal? Would be kind of clumsy to have to type in 20+ special chars...
coderus ( 2016-03-07 13:48:19 +0200 )editThere was no need for me to manually mount the btrfs-formated sdcard or edit any file. I just formatted the sdcard in my laptop and put it into jolla. It's mounted automatically then.
There's a copy password functionality in the pulldown menu of each entry in ownkeepass.
michfu ( 2016-03-07 14:30:48 +0200 )edit