[Bug] Webview does not support html5 audio&video

asked 2016-04-07 16:12:47 +0300

leszek gravatar image

This was disabled in the early days for apparently no actual reason. We have 2016 now and a modern webview should support native audio & video

Basically WebPirate and Webcat (the two Webview based browsers) are doing lots and lots of workarounds to support html5 in a rudimentary way. This could be all solved by Jolla activating html5 audio & video support in webview again.

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I agree with Leszek, this is the "bad guy" commit: https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/qtwebkit5/commit/3a776227951b54675e057386edee74d1ecb994bb

Also, support for vectorial images should be re-enabled.

Dax ( 2016-04-07 16:43:49 +0300 )edit