Make Uber work on your phone
asked 2016-05-20 00:47:28 +0200

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First of all, Uber needs google service in order to work, I didn't get help in other posts about how to install the google service, and I didn't solve that problem completely since it still need to be updated to support other apps like Lyft.(so now the situation is that Lyft won't open and keeps sending me message"...unless you update google service" but Uber is working) However, at least now Uber is working fine on mine. Here is what I did: download the Uber app, the message" network error" will appear when you try to log in no matter what network environment you are in. The solution is to download google service on a another store like wandoujia (what I used), google service will still crash and may not serve other apps but now refresh the uber app, it's working