Which component to use as a vertical separator line on tablet layout?
I'd like to enhance my existing QML app to make better use of the enhanced real estate of the Jolla Tablet. I'd like to make a 2-pane page with 2 listviews next to each other. A narrow one would be on the left 30% of the screen, and the rest would be the second listview. I'd like to add a similar vertical separator line that can be seen on the following photo:
I mean the line that runs right to "Email 8". It doesn't seem to be a simple line, since it fades out on the top.
BTW, is there a special guide for developers, on how to enhance the existing phone apps' usability, layout and look'n'feel on the Jolla Tablet?
Thank you for your time ;-)
Picture shows the event view of the tablet. Afaik The split is currently only available on event view (haven't seen it anywhere else so far) and if it is opensource (?) you could take a look into that.
avhakola ( 2016-06-11 00:11:35 +0200 )edit