WLAN sleep issues
Jolla loses Wi-Fi connection if device goes to sleep. I'm not sure if it's an issue with my router or a system-wide issue.
After leaving the device untouched for a while, even with Skype running, after wake up the connection is not working athough is displayed as connected. Connecting to the same hot-spot through "Connect to the internet" does nothing (no-op) in this case, I suppose. Re-connecting to a different ESSID (my router has two of them - one is encrypted, the other is open, but they are basically the same subnet) or turning Wi-Fi off and on again solves the problem. (but it's annoying)
ifconfig executed from shell shows no IP address associated with wlan0 when this happens.
ps: I'm using the latest release - Taalojärvi, btw.
Expected results:
Android software like Skype has to have a way of preventing the phone from going into sleep (draining all battery :) ). Integration issue?
Wi-fi should recover its IP properly after waking up. Wi-fi should use the sleep protocol when talking to the router (if it's not using it already).
Update: the DHCP lease time on my router is one hour. Probably this is the cause of the issue. <- IT IS NOT (by @palikao)
UPDATE 2017-04: the bug has NOT been solved in SFOS
Update: I fixed the issue by setting a DHCP lease time of 1 day (by @articice).
Hey, check this conversation: https://together.jolla.com/question/122636/bug-android-messaging-whatsapp-messages-arrive-late/?sort=votes&page=1#125266
It could be related.. Hoping in a solution..
palikao ( 2016-06-16 19:22:52 +0200 )editHi, thanks for a quick reply, but no. This problem does not seem to be related to any specific messenger or the Android layer in general. I get the error in the built-in browser as well. And ifconfig shows no associated address for the wireless interface, which pretty much explains it.
articice ( 2016-06-17 00:44:46 +0200 )edit@articice No, it was not about Android messager, but about sleep mode and power save functions that makes (also) messaging not working properly.. Read my tests..
palikao ( 2016-06-17 02:22:55 +0200 )edit@palikao sorry, but you description is rather vague. You got the problem of messages arriving too late, which got fixed by sending another message. In my case, nothing works after wake up, because the Wi-Fi connection loses its IP address. So, I can't send a message, and I need to re-connect; furthermore I can't re-connect to the same spot because it thinks it's already connected to it.
articice ( 2016-06-17 09:08:12 +0200 )edit@articice IMHO it is the same issue, generated by the same lack and applied to different situations! My description is not vague, but very detailed. The tests I made were connected to that situation (messaging), but are applicable to the general problem (WiFi communication problem when on power saving mode) which exists.
palikao ( 2016-06-18 11:42:55 +0200 )edit