ärvi Camera app crashes when stopping video recording
On LG Google Nexus 5 (hammerhead), I can successfully grab photos and video on the front camera.
With the back camera, however, only photos may be taken. If I grab a video, the app minimizes (crashes?) upon pressing stop and no video is stored. Note that the app remains visible on the home screen.
I've tried changing several options within the app, but the result remains the same, consistently.
(Side note: From the camera app in sfdroid, photos may be taken with any of the two cameras. However recording of a video doesn't even start if I touch the according button. "Nothing" happens.)
I've got a similar problem with a Jolla 1 ( Aurajoki) apart from the video being successfully saved. It should be noted that the video is stored on an external memory card. The playback of the video is quite choppy so there might perhaps be a problem with the data transfer rate which is causing the problem?
droid001 ( 2016-10-03 21:25:23 +0200 )edit