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How to install/update on Nexus 4 [not relevant]

asked 2016-06-28 10:28:53 +0200

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updated 2017-01-30 16:10:58 +0200

molan gravatar image

I have installed sailfish os on my nexus 4 in multirom. Yesterday i saw on xda someone had updated to on nexus 4. I searched the internet for 4 hours how to update to that version. Found this but can't sign in http://releases.sailfishos.org/sfa-ea/ I know that "403 forbiden" means that access is restricted to some users, but i do not know how to become sailfish early adopter to have access to early builds. Please help me if you can.

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The question has been closed for the following reason "question is not relevant or outdated" by molan
close date 2017-01-30 16:09:50.164148



have you tried this link ? https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Adaptations/libhybris/Install_SailfishOS_for_hammerhead at least it works for hammeread

EDIT: you should only need to follow the WIP-OTA process and don't worry about beeing early adopter or not. ;)

breiti_oi ( 2016-06-28 10:49:54 +0200 )edit

Yes, i tried that too. But there is this error:

"Error: nothing provides pattern:jolla-sailfish-applications needed by pattern:jolla-configuration-mako-0.0.7-10.8.4.jolla.noarch"

Then it says Retry 1 of 9 2, 3, 4, 5 ... etc and does not upgrade. If i try againg same error shows.

matemana ( 2016-06-28 11:26:57 +0200 )edit

You should ask this on XDA or directly from the people who port Salfish on Nexus 4. IMO unofficial ports are a bit out of scope of JTC.

Valker ( 2016-06-28 13:50:42 +0200 )edit

ups, sorry, did not want to push myself in front... only added nexus 4 to the title.

mosen ( 2016-06-28 14:30:58 +0200 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2016-06-28 10:33:44 +0200

You have to check the box in your Jolla account. is not official at the moment neither for early adopter nor for all. To register for EA you have to log in to your Jolla account. Under settings there is a checkbox for early access.

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Early access is for getting official releases for Jolla devices in first wave. It has nothing to do with updating an unofficial port on non-Jolla device like Nexus 4.

Valker ( 2016-06-28 13:43:25 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-06-28 13:17:20 +0200

matemana gravatar image

Thank you. I checked that box in my account. Here is that post from XDA. This user has posted nexus 4 sailfish about menu where it says That's why i asked. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=67432286&postcount=521

image description

When i select "Allow developer updates" in my phone settings it says: "CA certificate for ssu not set ('_ca-certificate in domain')"

What can i do?

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use the search ;)

developer updates are something completely different, i don't know why they left it in the UI, it's confusing people since the beginning.

dmnk ( 2016-06-28 14:14:13 +0200 )edit

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Asked: 2016-06-28 10:28:53 +0200

Seen: 1,395 times

Last updated: Jun 28 '16