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Lithuanian translation - the settlement of basic terms

asked 2016-07-12 15:08:06 +0200

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updated 2016-07-13 10:53:47 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

Hi, the translators of Sailfish OS to Lithuanian language

The translation has just started, and I hope it will continue steadily over the longer time.

In order to make the translation work more efficient to translators an coordinator, I would like to suggest here, in this string or any other place, to agree upon the translation of basic terms. I understand as the work advances, we would have such list of basic terms (moreover there is a terminology chapter in the translation corpus), preferably such list could be in one place.

Having agreed uopon the translation of basic terms, there would be more consistency in suggested translations, and less work to everybody, especially the coordinator.

At the moment I would like to agree on the following terms.

save - I suggest the translation the translation įrašyti (the translation of Mozilla to Lithuanian appeals to me as one of the most solid ones, and they use this word), but the translation išsaugoti - I do not oppose to it strictly, but consider it less accurate.

settings - I would suggest nuostatos, but I do not oppose to nustatymai or parametrai (parametrai I consider the least accurate for this term)

edit - I would suggest keisti, as I think another therm of more narrow meaning redaguoti, is of the similar accuracy and much more cumbersome. In some cases it could be translated as tvarkyti - edit photos(s) - tvarkyti nuotrauką(-as) edit contacts - tvarkyti kontaktinių asmenų sąrašą, and redaguoti could be left only for pure text material editing, of bigger content, e.g. redaguoti laišką.

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There are many ways to translate :) Even when context is the same, there can be different and yet all good translations.

In Lithuanian, it's more difficult to keep consistent terms, as we have more suitable words depending on the context. We should aim to keep that to a minimum, but I agree on cases like edit -- terminology project could contain such entry: "tvarkyti (kolekcijoms), redaguoti (tekstui), keisti"

sledges ( 2016-08-01 19:28:20 +0200 )edit

5 Answers

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answered 2016-11-09 12:46:00 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

updated 2016-11-09 12:47:44 +0200

What regards the translation of the term Home screen of SFOS. Translation of Home screen and Home as Pradžia is good, but finding analogy with desktop usage, where the term of home screen is usually translated as Darbalaukis, it came to my head that the term Darbalaukis could be used for the Sailfish OS home screen. It would be accurate functional description, as it is usually empty or contains the covers of open (working) apps. Also in native Sailfish apps the image of home screen is seen faded in the background, so actually we perceive still working in it.

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answered 2016-07-12 19:48:48 +0200

this post is marked as community wiki

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updated 2016-07-12 19:49:23 +0200

wrm gravatar image

settings should be nustatymai to my opinion, edit - redaguoti

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You can vote for suggested terminology strings (by clicking ☆) or introduce your own here: https://translate.sailfishos.org/lt/terminology/translate/#search=Settings&sfields=source,target,notes&soptions=exact

sledges ( 2016-08-01 19:22:13 +0200 )edit

It is good to see that the translation work is going on. I do not know if it is possible to comment under the translation strings or only the coordinator can comment there, so I'd like to discuss several Lithuanian terms here.

Ta_das ( 2016-11-09 12:42:13 +0200 )edit

Sure, please discuss them here. Only coordinators can comment in Pootle.

I may have deviated from your ideas in places, yet trying to be slightly unconventional and make translation unique to Sailfish OS, following its tone, voice, and style -- mainly focusing on a human user :) Let's make it an experiment and a fresh wind/trend in Lithuanian IT :)

I have added most frequent deviations/experiments as new words in Terminology project: https://translate.sailfishos.org/lt/terminology/translate/ with explanations/comments

Namely: tweet, tone, location, contacts, import, and avatar

Ačiū! :)

sledges ( 2016-11-09 12:46:46 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-11-09 12:49:53 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

What regards the translation of the term Favourites. This term is the most tricky software interface item to translate into Lithuanian. What favourite is? It is most liked or preferred above the others. The favourites in address book or favourites in web browser, are the persons or web pages, which are preferred above all the others, I move them to the favourites section to be quickly accessible because I need them more frequently in my daily needs and activities. But that doesn’t mean I like them. I might like or might not, and usually these the needed are preferred rationally not emotionally. And the word „Mėgstamiausi“ means ‘most liked’. Are the Favourites in address book or browser most liked? Not definitely. They might be such or might not. But they are preferred for the practical reasons.

So I can only suggest brainstorming. Favourites in People app could be Pirmutiniai, Dažniausieji, Reikalingieji, Svarbūs? Which word else? And Favourites in Browser? There I think the term Parankinė which is used in Mozilla Firefox Lithuanian translation is good and accurate. Parankinė – it is the place where necessary things are quickly accessible.

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Using Mozilla and other major Software producer translations is a very good idea, because Lithuanians might be already using the software and are familiar with the meanings in the context of computers, phones, communications and software.

Andy ( 2016-11-10 13:23:38 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-11-09 12:51:57 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

What regards the translation of Cloud. The official term, accepted by Lithuanian terminology commission is debesija. It is interchangeably used with debesis (debesų) in colloquial language. http://www.vlkk.lt/konsultacijos/10334-debesija-cloud-computing

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Using words recommended by the VLKK is unwise because these words are not natural - made up by a small group of people with hopes that the words would become natural someday. Just like "vaizduoklis" which has never been accepted by the people and nobody is really using it. Also I would like to suggest translating foreign marketing (?) terms like "Cloud" to the Lithuanian words which retain the meaning but which are not a direct translation. For me "debesija" sounds alien and slightly stupid. "Cloud" in this case would simply mean "Internetas". "In the Cloud" -> "Internete". So for example "Cloud Back up" would be "Atsargine kopija Internete". Nevertheless, if somebody else disagrees with me - discuss. :)

Andy ( 2016-11-10 13:22:41 +0200 )edit

Yes, the translation of ‘Cloud’ could be Internete. Term „Internetas“ is the same an only marginally broader than the ‘Cloud’ – „Debesija“. http://ims.mii.lt/EK%C5%BD/enciklo.html?word=debesija

Using words recommended by the VLKK is unwise because these words are not natural – I disagree. Naturalness of a term is not important, what is important is accuracy and convenience (shortness, fluentness, non-interference with other words). All words were once created by some persons and were not ‘natural’ until became accepted and used for communication. Discussion about the necessity of VLKK I think would be of topic here, but at the present we have such regulating and coordinating institution in the terminology field, so we can pay attention to what is recommended by them. Not to obey blindly, but just to pay attention. Among the IT terms proposed by this commission there had been many silly and unnecessary ones (yes, there a lot of terms when it is convenient and OK just adopt English term), there had been inaccurate terms proposed as well, but this commission also have proposed many good IT terms which have already firmly established in Lithuanian language.

Ta_das ( 2016-11-10 15:06:43 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-12-12 14:05:46 +0200

Ta_das gravatar image

updated 2016-12-12 14:06:23 +0200

With regard to the translation of term Tweet, I strongly disagree with the proposal of tauškalas. Tauškalas in English would be piffle, jabber, chatter. Tauškalas means meaningless speech, even nonsensical speech, which usually tells nothing, only vibrates the air with the flow of word excess. Yes, in some sense to tweet could be translated as taukšti, but this sense is far far away from the meaning of Twitter messages, or what is intended to be Twitter messages: brief communication to the followers or other readers.

Just imagine such usage „Užsienio reikalų ministras paskelbė tauškalą Twitter tinkle apie karo Ukrainoje eigą“. Or another example „Popiežius Pranciškus prieš dvi dienas paskelbė tauškalą kas yra tikrasis krikščioniškasis gailestingumas“

If we don’t invent Lithuanized word tvytas, which would be slang at the moment, then we have to use compound term Twitterio žinutė or Tviterio žinutė.

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Asked: 2016-07-12 15:08:06 +0200

Seen: 342 times

Last updated: Dec 12 '16