Jolla C: random questions / problems
asked 2016-07-28 13:59:45 +0200

This post is a wiki. Anyone with karma >75 is welcome to improve it.
hi all!
Lets try this: as more and more Jolla C's are delivered, there will be lots of questions of usability etc. This post is a wiki and intended for small questions / advice on all users. Post your question as "answer" and your answer as "comment".
My advice is: theres a neat flashlight app inside notification screen settings, you dont have to DL additional app.
Question 1: How do I change background picture / create personal ambience with own picture?
Question 2: Settings > Lock Acreen allows user to pick three actions to lock screen's pulley menu but my chosen ones dont show there. Wonder what's wrong?
Question 3: How do I close a random app? I was able to use close by swiping from top to bottom on Jolla 1, wasn't I?