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Is the software delivered to Russian and EU Jolla1 different?

asked 2016-08-02 09:41:56 +0200

norguhtar gravatar image

updated 2018-08-15 09:38:55 +0200

jiit gravatar image

Hello. After i try update my phone to i got crush btrfs. After this i'm backup and reset phone. And phone work, but can't update to version. Then i do stupid thing. I'm rewrite /dev/mmcblk0 from other phone (buyed in russia) with version. After this gsm module stop work. I try reflash modem bin but this not work. I try write to jolla but they tell me you void warranty and you not EU we not support this. Can any help me get full /dev/mmcblk0 image from eu model?

Also can any show me partition table from eu model? partition table from ru model

mmcblk0.raw1       34     8191     8158    4M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw2    65536   131071    65536   32M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw3   131072   139263     8192    4M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw4   139264   147455     8192    4M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw5   147456   155647     8192    4M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw6   155648   159743     4096    2M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw7   159744   163839     4096    2M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw8   196608   204799     8192    4M unknown
mmcblk0.raw9   262144   360447    98304   48M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw10  360448   368639     8192    4M unknown
mmcblk0.raw11  368640   376831     8192    4M unknown
mmcblk0.raw12  376832   380927     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw13  380928   385023     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw14  385024   389119     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw15  389120   393215     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw16  393216   397311     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw17  397312   401407     4096    2M unknown
mmcblk0.raw18  401408   532479   131072   64M Microsoft basic data
mmcblk0.raw19  532480   548863    16384    8M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw20  548864   573439    24576   12M unknown
mmcblk0.raw21  573440   598015    24576   12M unknown
mmcblk0.raw22  598016   614399    16384    8M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw23  614400   630783    16384    8M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw24  630784  1671151  1040368  508M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw25 1671152  1687535    16384    8M Linux filesystem
mmcblk0.raw26 1687536  1687551       16    8K unknown
mmcblk0.raw27 1687552  1703935    16384    8M unknown
mmcblk0.raw28 1703936 30535646 28831711 13.8G Linux filesystem
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2 Answers

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answered 2016-08-02 11:50:03 +0200

Sage gravatar image

I think you mean original Jolla phone, right? There is no difference between the software delivery for Jolla phone sold in EU or Russia. So getting image from EU device will not help here. Each device has some device modem specific data that you might have destroyed by copying over the whole /dev/mmcblk0 device which might cause modem to stop working.

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Hmm. And where this data include? In Q partition?

   1     17,4kB  4194kB  4177kB                    emgdload
   2     33,6MB  67,1MB  33,6MB                    QOTP
   3     67,1MB  71,3MB  4194kB                    Qfa
   4     71,3MB  75,5MB  4194kB                    Qcfg
   5     75,5MB  79,7MB  4194kB                    Qdlog
   6     79,7MB  81,8MB  2097kB                    Qvariables
   7     81,8MB  83,9MB  2097kB                    Qlogfilter
   8     101MB   105MB   4194kB                    fsg
   9     134MB   185MB   50,3MB  ext4              Qglog
  10     185MB   189MB   4194kB                    modemst1
  11     189MB   193MB   4194kB                    modemst2
  12     193MB   195MB   2097kB                    sbl1
  13     195MB   197MB   2097kB                    sbl2
  14     197MB   199MB   2097kB                    sbl3
  15     199MB   201MB   2097kB                    tz
  16     201MB   203MB   2097kB                    rpm
  17     203MB   206MB   2097kB                    aboot
  18     206MB   273MB   67,1MB  fat16             modem       msftdata
  19     273MB   281MB   8389kB  ext4              drm
  20     281MB   294MB   12,6MB                    boot
  21     294MB   306MB   12,6MB                    recovery
  22     306MB   315MB   8389kB                    pad1
  23     315MB   323MB   8389kB                    misc
  24     323MB   856MB   533MB   linux-swap(v1)    swap
  25     856MB   864MB   8389kB  ext4              persist
  26     864MB   864MB   8192B                     ssd
  27     864MB   872MB   8389kB                    security
  28     872MB   15,6GB  14,8GB  btrfs             sailfish
norguhtar ( 2016-08-02 12:03:09 +0200 )edit

Also jolla not can't help on this problem just send me need partiton? This data shoild be based on IMEI and hardware MAC right?

norguhtar ( 2016-08-02 12:04:42 +0200 )edit

And i'm find message where people write fix phone with eu image. But i'm not find this image all link closed by jolla.

norguhtar ( 2016-08-02 12:07:12 +0200 )edit

Jolla cannot publish the images because Qualcomm (copyright owner on some parts) forbid them.

Giacomo Di Giacomo ( 2016-08-02 15:26:40 +0200 )edit

they don't try help me. Just tell void warranty Russia not suported. Very open and frendly

norguhtar ( 2016-08-02 16:05:13 +0200 )edit

answered 2016-10-27 01:53:32 +0200

MAMA gravatar image

I have exactly the same problem! Qualcomm is so closed that it is not able to help recover your lost device driver? link text

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Asked: 2016-08-02 09:41:56 +0200

Seen: 828 times

Last updated: Oct 27 '16