Supported programming languages
Hi, this is my first time asking an official question. I am new to Sailfishos but i have been curious for alternative platforms, whether on desktop or mobile. For now 2-3 years i have been using Android on my main Phone, but constantly watching and trying others. Like FirefoxOS or Ubuntu Touch. Before Android i had been an happy iOS user, with an big but. I didnt like that it hadn't been easy to develop a little app and deploy only on my personal device. I can remember seeing OpenMoko as my smartphone plattform, had been following webOS. To give a little background. At work i "must" develop backend applications based on Java, so for fun i would like to try some other languages. But i seem not to be getting warm with either c/c++ or python.
Now to my question, i tried to use Swift using on my Jolla phone using the binaries from, hoping it would work. Does someone has tried to run swift on her/his phone or recommendation for another language with better support? Is a broader support planned or even possible with QT/QML?
One concrete exampel - Go has been used:
skanky ( 2016-08-02 19:52:47 +0200 )editthanks, i had stopped following the discussion concerning go in 2015, but missed that because i only did run sailfish for short period on my now sold oneplus. Now i have to make the decision if i start learning swift or go. Hmm, good that my vacation is coming ^^
b_st1 ( 2016-08-02 19:58:00 +0200 )edithow about pascal (delphi - objective pascal):
lpr ( 2016-08-02 19:59:03 +0200 )edit