Contacts, widgets, restore
asked 2016-08-05 08:12:20 +0200

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Hi - after several years on Android, i have moved to Sailfish last night. The experience so far has been quite unique. I have a few questions though
- I restored my contacts from google. However when i call or someone calls me, i dont get to see the picture. I suspect the pictures have not gotten synced. Anything i missed here?
- I backed up my SMSs and Call logs using super back up on android. I restored it on my sailfish. However when i go to the sms or calls logs, i dont see these restored messages. They are stored as .xml in the backups.
- Are there any icoes widgets that i can get on my home screen?
re: 1) i have assigned avatars on some contacts but whey i get a call i only see the name. i think i saw a patch for that. i do not think that this is standard functionality
pawel ( 2016-08-05 12:33:07 +0200 )edit